Tag: Stalin
Democrats’ Night of the Living Dead
Socialism died in 1991, with the expiry of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, but American Lefties believed it was only resting, like Monty Python’s dead parrot. As with the pet shop owner, they made multiple excuses, pretending that socialism was still breathing, while in fact, it was, to quote…
Autopsy of a Time Magazine Propaganda Poster
Lefties have infected every sanctum of publishing, with even magazine covers succumbing to the contagion. Take the latest Time Magazine cover for instance. What was meant to be a propaganda poster failed dismally, and all it took to mess it up was a girl with a BA and a tattooed…
Why Fake News is Wrong to Defend Comrade Jim Acosta
At President Trump’s post-midterm election White House news conference yesterday, Abilio James “Jim” Acosta was up to his old tricks, and as usual, the media aired snippets of his tussle and took his side. Acosta, whose father was a Cuban refugee, was his usual rude self, hogging the microphone and…