Tag: Socialism
An Answer to Unabomber Ted Kaczynski’s Manifesto
In June 1996, Ted Kaczynski (AKA “The Unabomber”) blackmailed The New York Times and The Washington Post into publishing his 35,000-word manifesto. The socialist anarchist told the two Far Left newspapers that if they did not publish his manifesto, he would murder more people with mailed bombs. Democrats under socialist…
A Poverty of Intelligence Spanning 137 Years
When we sell a property, we reveal its worth at settlement through the principle of supply and demand, which determines the property’s value based on a buyer’s willingness to pay. However, Henry George, one of America’s earliest socialists, wanted the State to calculate property value and then govern what percentage of that…
Meathead Rob Reiner’s Lifelong Jinx
Rob Reiner, or Meathead, as millions of Americans call him, recently passed his seventy-third birthday, yet even as a senior citizen, he devotes much of his time denouncing President Donald Trump. It is part of an ongoing battle Reiner has fought with conservatives for over half a century, but someone…
Why Tribal Sharing Clashes with Modern Society
Some human populations are inherently left-winged, and this stems from their relatively recent tribal life where it was understood that everything was to be shared. For instance, this accounts for Africa, a continent whose countries are a chocolate box of tin-hat tyrant communist dictatorships masquerading as democracies, run by gangs…
Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert – the Fourth Reich?
Conservatives find certain characters naturally repulsive, and these include, but are not limited to, creeping Jesuses like Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, John Oliver, and Rachel Maddow. The average celebrity Lefty is pretty awful, but the above-mentioned have a penchant for sneering that curls wallpaper and makes beer go…
Reparations Were Already Paid
Democrats and other socialists are now demanding reparations for blacks because of slavery, but those reparations were paid 153 years ago, in the form of the American Civil War. About 330,000 white Union soldiers died during that war, either killed in action or from wounds and disease. They gave their lives…
Why the Left is Antisemitic
Magicians use sexy assistants dressed in glittering bikinis to take your eye off the ball, which they palm: palming means concealing or hiding, or sleight of hand. Sleight means deceitful craftiness. When cardsharps or illusionists use deceitful craftiness in palming cards, coins, balls, handkerchiefs, and the like, you are not supposed…
Tucker’s Irrational Fear of Robots
Tucker Carlson does a great job fighting the Left, but he does have an Achilles heel. According to Wikipedia, he preferred Theodore Roosevelt’s interfering, Statist, big-taxing approach rather than laissez-faire capitalism. Apparently, Carlson believes Roosevelt’s interventionist policies may have prevented a communist revolution. In fact, World War I and Herbert Hoover neutralized such…
Businessmen Trump Tramps
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez not only looks like The Tramp; she thinks like him too. Charlie Chaplin was a fatherless English communist, born in 1889, raised in poverty, and though he hated America, he moved there anyway, to make money. A London child-laborer by nine, his syphilitic mother became psychotic and was…
France – the Socialist Propaganda Factory
In our world, there are two main types of liberty. One that originated in Britain and spread to the United States, and one that was put together in France, and spread throughout Europe and the world. The former led to great things including the Industrial Revolution and the United States’…