Tag: Maxine Waters
Maxine’s Brownshirts Carry Out Orders
Rebecca Parker Mankey is one of the latest examples of a feral Trump-hating feminazi in action. A middle-aged punk, sporting a Mohican hairstyle, Mankey attacked Victor F., a 74-year-old Jewish customer, because he wore a MAGA hat. The ambush happened in a Starbucks coffeehouse at 361 California Ave, Palo Alto,…
My Recovered Memory Rape by Ford, Pelosi and Schumer
Like everyone else, I watched in amazement as Democrats fabricated sexual assault charges against Brett Kavanaugh. They use this dirty trick every time they want to block someone, but the zany abandonment of the rule of law, in this case, was indeed Monty-Python-ish. When I watched Professor Christine Margaret Blasey Ford…