Tag: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
Capping Interest Grows Poverty, Crime, & Murder
Many people insist that charging interest on loans is not only immoral but downright evil. To understand why they are wrong, you must unravel lies stretching back millennia. Lefty Liars have been around for eons, creating Fake News and myths. A percentage of recorded history is fake because they…
“Going Green” is a Lie and a Myth
The term going green is so familiar now that nobody seems to remember it was merely another lie generated by the Left. They created so many myths that some of them stuck. Thousands of government and business entities commonly use the ‘going green’ term. See a few examples here. When…
Businessmen Trump Tramps
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez not only looks like The Tramp; she thinks like him too. Charlie Chaplin was a fatherless English communist, born in 1889, raised in poverty, and though he hated America, he moved there anyway, to make money. A London child-laborer by nine, his syphilitic mother became psychotic and was…