Chris Cillizza
Posted in Fake News Lies About Trump Limo Libs

The totally obvious reason why Chris Cillizza should start a Pizza Shop

CNN’s Editor-at-large is still at large and wanted by small-minded but ambitious people everywhere, who want to know how to become an editor like him. Thrice before I have pointed out Cillizza’s failings, but it seems to have only spurred him on to behave even more irrationally. His latest effort…

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Bruce Springsteen
Posted in Lies About Trump Limo Libs

Springsteen, Chris Cillizza, and the Witch Doctor

Chris Cillizza is not as annoying as most CNN commentators, but he made major mistakes in his analysis yesterday. Cillizza talked about Bruce Springsteen’s view that Trump will win again in 2020 because the Democrats have not come up with a candidate to beat him. Cillizza quoted Springsteen, a 69-year-old…

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Chris Cillizza tries to bust out
Posted in Lies About Trump

Misreporting from CNN’s Cillizza

Although it appears Chris Cillizza has a problem with English, he is an editor-at-large in far-left CNN. Perhaps a better title might be NPC-at-large. Why is he at large anyway? Many would say lock the guy up and throw away the key. The subtleties of our language are difficult for some,…

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Chris Cillizza Rex Tillerson
Posted in Fake News Lies About Trump

CNN Cillizza, Dementia and Rex Tillerson

Donald Trump’s former Texan secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, was a scout. His father was a scout too. In fact, his father, Bobby Joe Tillerson, was an executive of the Boy Scouts of America, so I guess it was a given that Rex, who was named after Rex Allen, a…

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Quentin Tarantino Time Magazine
Posted in Cultural Invasion Feminazis Limo Libs

Tarantino’s Terror – How the Left Cannibalizes Its Own

Socialists always begin with great enthusiasm and stick together like glue, but as their power increases, they turn on themselves, picking off those around them to remove competition. Socialists Stalin, Hitler, and Mao started with great zeal and much preaching about unity, before murdering or imprisoning many of their comrades,…

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