A hundred and thirty-six years ago, the word racialism meant ‘a political system advocating superiority and exclusive rights based on race.’ That word evolved into racism or racist, which today means ‘a belief that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.’
Lefties now use those words to describe any instance of a white person disagreeing with, opposing, disliking, fighting, or insulting any non-white person. In their world, any white disapproval of non-whites is racism, while non-white dissatisfaction with whites is normal and expected.
It proves that Lefties are racist by definition since they believe that non-whites are superior to whites, morally and politically. That is no surprise. Socialists, from Stalin to National Socialist Hitler, have always been racists. They were xenophobic too. Hitler insisted that Jews had ‘stolen’ Germany, just as today’s Lefties vow that white people ‘stole’ America from Native Americans.
Indians Stole America
Out of the hundreds of popular myths Lefties gave us, a common one is that white people stole America from the Indians. The Fifth Column and hippies conjured up this myth between them since World War II.
The latest evidence indicates that North America’s first human inhabitants came from East Asia 25,000 years ago, and all other North American Indians descended from them. After that, they split into different groups and traveled in different directions. Various tribes of Indians were separated by mountains, rivers, plains, and deserts and were thus able to develop original traits and cultures over the millennia. Some tribes were very warlike, others less so. Some were peaceful and fun-loving; others barbaric and savage. There was no rule of law, writing, or courts, and thus no real property other than what a person claimed was his.
Indians were Stone Age people. Since they had no written language, mathematics, trigonometry, science, paper, pens, compasses, or measuring devices, they could hardly send out cartographers to map their land. Consequently, they had no idea what America looked like, how far it went, or what shape it was. They knew not where it began or ended, who lived in it, or who owned it.

As eons passed, thousands of tribes were established, each with its peculiarities and customs, each with unique languages, religions, and morals. Most were nomadic. Over time their languages and religions would fluctuate and mutate. With no record-keeping, they could not anchor language or beliefs to prevent constant change. No one Indian would be aware that their words, names, mottos, and religions were constantly altering as there were no historical registries. Tribal ownership of land, weapons, women, and children depended on strength and power. The most potent and powerful took what they wanted.
That life was anarchistic and frightening. Children would watch their families being scalped, and their village burned to the ground before being taken away to be beaten, raped, and enslaved. Over thousands of years, millions of Indians were tortured, oppressed, and murdered by other Indians. Hundreds of tribes were wiped out, and many different ethnic groups went extinct. Any with peaceful traits were not long for this world. Savage Indians reigned supreme, taking whatever they liked and expanding their territories. Since there was no rule of law, there was naught to prevent murderers in the tribe from killing their way to the top of the hierarchy, and this constant chaos made it impossible for them to develop writing, law, courts, or civilization. Tribes would meet any attempt by an individual towards such ideals with swift and bloody execution.
Ruthless, bloodthirsty Indians stole what parts of America they camped on from other Indians. They offered nothing for the land they purloined. They tendered no superior culture or laws and volunteered no way to bring about genuine ownership. Instead, they just took what they wanted and left a trail of merciless destruction in their wake. After thousands of years of this behavior, can we say Indians stole America? Yes. Indians took every part of the country that other Indians inhabited at some stage in their history. It was a constant state of theft, murder, kidnapping, rape, and slavery.
When, at long last, whites arrived, they tried to negotiate with Indians and sometimes were successful. Whites preferred to barter and trade than to fight. They operated under lawfulness and Christian scruples, choosing to get along with Indians. Their nature, laws, and religious customs drove them to make friends with other cultures and avoid conflict.
Some Indian tribes would respond well to this. Others would have nothing to do with it. If a tribe were hostile and attacked, whites would go forth to seek rectitude because their laws demanded it.
If families were raped, disemboweled, had their eyes gouged out, and were killed and scalped by natives, who then amused themselves with their victims’ hats and parasols, a white community would be outraged. They would want the murderers brought to justice, and this would apply to their people as it would to others. If whites had committed such atrocities, they would be hunted down and made to pay the same way.
A posse would go forth to find the murderers and bring them to justice. The problem is that when the team went to arrest them, it would be assailed by further Indians. It would lead to a larger armed group of whites being sent out to battle with the entire tribe. Such a clan might be wiped out during the action. The whites had little choice, but in time the Left would attempt to change history. Schools and Hollywood told a different story. In their version of history, the Indians were depicted as peace-loving, gentlefolk just wanting to live their lives and not cause anyone harm. Whites were portrayed as thugs and hooligans, out to have fun, who despised Indians and would use them as target practice. The Left painted a false picture of whites slaughtering Indians for trivial reasons.
In reality, whites were much fairer to Indigenous people than other Indian tribes had ever been. They tried to barter with them. They respected their territories and did their best to keep them happy, but Native Americans, who had lived aggressively for thousands of years, continued that same behavior with whites.
Why would Stone Age people, with no rule of law, change into modern, law-abiding citizens overnight? They were not interested in owning land, running businesses, acquiring employment, using the code, or in much else whites offered. They loved alcohol and tobacco and all the comforts modern technology made available. White man’s clothes kept them warmer. White man’s boots lasted longer, eyeglasses gave new sight, while metal knives were sharp and long-lasting. Matches made fire available at any time. Mirrors and windows were magic, as were non-leaking buildings and fireplaces that gave heat without the smoke. Music made with fiddles, pianos, and violins was so much sweeter than chanting and howling, and dentists could pull rotten teeth out so much more easily with their steel tools and expertise.
The trouble was that while Indians were attracted to white towns for all the goodies found there, they hated working nine-to-five jobs for white employers, so they had little money. Whites were always ready to give them money in employment, charity, or government welfare. Despite this, many Indians succumbed to alcoholism, drugs, and crime and have lagged behind on government handouts ever since. Many Indians went from Stone Age hunter-gatherers to modern-day welfare recipients and substance abusers. While many blame whites for this, consider something rarely said on the subject; had alcohol been available to Indians before whites arrived, would they have succumbed to it just as readily? The answer is probably, yes.
Life as an Indian was fraught with danger and pain, and alcohol would provide some relief, albeit at a high price, so yes, Indians would have gone through the same process whenever they were eventually able to indulge. Blaming whites for Indian alcoholism is like blaming science for growing atheism – it is a search to blame someone for an inevitability.
White People
Unlike all the other tribes in North America, the white tribe refused to go in and take what they wanted ruthlessly. They tried to be friendly. When Indian tribes attacked each other to steal land, women, and children, they had no time for consultation or discourse. Most would merely slaughter all the men and take the rest, then party all night to celebrate their new acquisitions. On rare occasions, there might be negotiations if both tribes were of equal size and strength since it would prevent significant losses to either. Generally, though, a tribe would seek a smaller group to bully and usurp, so there was no need for chit-chat.

White Christians behaved and thought differently. Regardless of how superior their technology was, their first thought was to be gentle and courteous with the indigenous folk they encountered. There were several reasons for this:
- Firstly, their religion instructed them to love their fellow man, and while they may have believed the natives were inferior to them, they were human enough to deserve some Christian treatment.
- Secondly, they were aware that natives were capable of killing with their primitive but deadly weapons, and what was the point of losing good men?
- They knew from the written words of other explorers that indigenous peoples were often friendly when treated cordially.
- Those white men had old habits. Both the rule of law and the laws of war required them to be ‘gentlemen’ regarding military hostilities. In those days, warring parties would meet on the battlefield and have a dialogue with each other before commencing battle.
As you can see, there were good reasons for whites not to barge in with cannon firing or swords slashing.
So it was that when whites settled in North America, they tried to be genial and sociable with Indians. They attempted to barter and reach agreements. On occasion, they were attacked and responded accordingly, eventually leading to battles and wars, but whites were always interested in peace if it was achievable.
What Whites Could Have Done
None of that is relevant since whites were perfectly free, according to the rules of the land, to do whatever they liked. Based on the native tribes’ own rules, the whites could have come in violently and killed every last Indian or made slaves out of them, as this was the tradition of Indians going back millennia.
Notice today that no Indian tribe complains about the many tens of thousands, if not millions, of its ancestors who were murdered or enslaved by other Indian tribes. The Comanche were very fierce and would fight Ute and Apache Indians. They would torture them in the most horrible ways, skinning them alive, burying them up to their heads, letting the ants eat them, and scalping them. They would rape their women and children, keep them as slaves, and take over their territory. Where do you see the descendants of Utes or Apaches complaining about Comanche? Are Indians complaining about Comanches (or other tribes) murdering and enslaving their ancestors?
Whites could have been like any other tribe since The Law of Nations was published in 1758, 266 years after Christopher Columbus discovered America and 138 years after the Pilgrims arrived in New England. Indians had no rule of law, courts, contracts, or writing, and thus no real land ownership.
If a tribe said, “This is our land,” another tribe would cry, “No, you stole it from us twenty years ago.” Others would reply, “No, you robbed it away from us years before that,” and a different one would shout, “You’re all wrong. It was our land, taken from us a century ago,” and none of them would know who stole it before that. Any group could come in and take what they wanted without any concern for present occupiers.
Whites could have done the same but did not. Instead, they attempted to barter and negotiate to reach agreements. They tried to be reasonable and brought with them the rule of law. They began to impose that rule of law for the Indians’ own good. For the first time in history, the Indians could possess land legally.
Stone Age Indians stole America from other Indians. They did that for hundreds of generations before whites arrived. Whites were entitled to do the same since that was the modus operandi, but they did not. Instead, they tried to negotiate peacefully, as is their custom, and Indians often rejected the offer. Following their traditions, most Indian tribes preferred to fight. Many fought savagely and ruthlessly, raping and torturing children and women, skinning them alive, scalping them, decapitating them, and burning their homes. They were true savages, and whites had no choice but to defend themselves against this ferocious barbarity. The viciousness and blood-lust of some Indians shocked whites, who would respond with great anger and force.
Today’s Lefties support China, a communist state that has murdered hundreds of millions of its citizens. Lefties think that is fine. Instead of criticizing communists, they attack white people who gave us The United States Constitution.
Like many people of the past, white people had slaves, but their slavery lasted only a short time compared to other nations and groups, and the numbers involved were not vast. According to Wikipedia, “About 287,000 slaves were imported into the Thirteen Colonies over a period of 160 years, or 2% of the estimated 12 million taken from Africa to the Americas via the Atlantic slave trade. The great majority went to sugar colonies in the Caribbean and to Brazil”
Compare that to the millions enslaved by blacks and Indians themselves over the millennia. How many millions did they torture, kill, and enslave?
White people then abolished slavery. 360,000 Union soldiers died in the war to end slavery under the leadership of Republican President Lincoln. That is more than the number of slaves they had to begin with. The Constitution, set up by whites, was responsible for making this possible. Whites have since freed blacks repeatedly through the rule of law and the courts, ending segregation, giving blacks the vote, and so on. Indians benefited from the same laws.
Whites paid over and over for their use of slaves. Did the Indians ever pay for theirs? Did they ever pay for the many Indian tribes they wiped out?
Aside from the rule of law and the Constitution, whites provided Indians with technology that allowed them to live longer, healthier lives. Today’s left-winged Indians, who spend their lives whining and complaining about whites “stealing their country,” drive cars, wear clothes, and enjoy shoes, glasses, dental implants, heart stents, and surgical steel screws holding bones together. They benefit from roads, phones, houses, plumbing, clean water, electricity, TV, air conditioning, carpet, beds, hospitals, ambulances, supermarkets, and a million other services, tools, gadgets, and objects that make their lives much safer, more prosperous and more fun than what their poor ancestors put up with just a few generations ago.
Inescapably someone was going to discover America and clash with the Indians. Indians were lucky white Christians landed first. They should be thanking their weather gods for that instead of bawling in their welfare soup and demonizing white schoolkids.
* Addendum:
To nit-pickers who point to various fights or court cases scattered across history to ‘disprove’ the above, nobody has claimed that any system is perfect. In any order, there will be disagreements, fights, law cases, grievances, misgivings, legal battles, and differences of opinion. There will always be some inefficiency, corruption, bureaucracy, and red tape. However, it is clear from the results that Democracy and the rule of law are far superior to jungle law, where brute force is the decider. That was fine for spiders, fish, and bears, but humans can do much more. To escape the jungle’s stone-age approach, you need writing, courts, and the rule of law, none of which Indians possessed. Nit-pick all you like; there has never been a better system than the one brought to America by the white tribe. That is not racist—it’s biology, evolution, and history.