Ted Kaczynski - The Unabomber
Posted in Fake News Leftist DNA Myths

An Answer to Unabomber Ted Kaczynski’s Manifesto

In June 1996, Ted Kaczynski (AKA “The Unabomber”) blackmailed The New York Times and The Washington Post into publishing his 35,000-word manifesto. The socialist anarchist told the two Far Left newspapers that if they did not publish his manifesto, he would murder more people with mailed bombs. Democrats under socialist…

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Henry George by Wallace Shawn
Posted in Free Market Limo Libs Myths

A Poverty of Intelligence Spanning 137 Years

When we sell a property, we reveal its worth at settlement through the principle of supply and demand, which determines the property’s value based on a buyer’s willingness to pay. However, Henry George, one of America’s earliest socialists, wanted the State to calculate property value and then govern what percentage of that…

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Why is this caveman cartoon racist
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Myths Racism

Democrats Believe Black Skin is a Handicap

Far-left Media, Unions, Democrats, Schools, Hollywood, Internet, & Publishers (MUDSHIP) believe that having black or brown skin is a handicap — the darker the skin, the bigger the handicap. The evidence for this is overwhelming, but let us start with something simple; cartoons. A great myth has evolved that cartoons…

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Sandy Cortez stuck on wind power
Posted in Climate Change Fake News Feminazis Myths

Sandy Cortez’s Monoliths to Stupidity

Like so many college simpletons, Sandy Cortez is married to the man-made Global Warming myth and its lead-balloon offspring; wind and solar power. The predictable fiasco in Texas this last week, when millions of Texans lost power thanks to wind turbines icing up, will not change Sandy’s mind. She has…

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The N-word
Posted in Fake News Myths Racism

The Negrophobic N-word

My mailman knew a couple of N-words who always used the N-word. Their family used the N-word constantly but would become very violent when a white person used it. One of the N-words went to prison after almost killing a white guy over that very issue. He now shares a…

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kamala harris explains marxism
Posted in Feminazis Myths Racism The Swamp

How Marxists Like Kamala Harris Persuade Today’s Youth

Kamala Harris promoted Socialist ideology yesterday, just one day before a Presidential Election. She published a video on Twitter, which she voiced over, explaining how socialism works, in a way designed to trick younger people into accepting a big fat lie. Please watch the video she tweeted here, and should…

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Russ Buettner, Susanne Craig, Mike McIntire, Joseph Pulitzer Caricature Cartoon
Posted in Cultural Invasion Lies About Trump Myths

Pulitzer Prize Propagandists Lie about Trump’s Taxes

Far Left propagandists at the New York Times were at it again last week, implying President Trump was paying little or no taxes. Two years ago, they cooked up a similar hit job before Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation as a Supreme Court justice and the mid-term elections. Two of the apparatchiks responsible for that…

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black lives matter logo
Posted in Myths Racism War

Alicia Garza’s Very White Black Lives Matter

Queer Alicia Garza came up with the term Black Lives Matter in a Facebook post in 2013, writing, “I continue to be surprised at how little Black lives matter.” Facebook is a social media conglomerate corporation founded by a straight white man! Alicia, who came out as queer, was raised…

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Criminal Big Floyd
Posted in Myths Racism War

Big Muscle-Necked Floyd Committed Suicide by Cop

After more than a week of violent criminal looting, rioting, and mayhem across America, TV stations like Fox still have headlines that say, “Protests In Response To George Floyd’s Death,” which is a feeble description. The riots have nothing to do with George Floyd. His suicide-by-cop death was merely the…

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Posted in Biology Myths The Swamp


Much panic over the COVID-19 pandemic exists, partly caused by government bureaucrats, media, and even medical folk. Communists and Fake News are the worst offenders, but good guys are also making mistakes and spreading misinformation. Though many are bewildered, frightened, losing sleep, or sinking into depression, there are reasons to…

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Logic kills fear of COVID-19
Posted in Biology Free Market Myths

Why Coronavirus Will Not Cause a Depression

We hear plenty of advice about Corona virus from media and governments, and despite their best efforts, panic reigns supreme. Millions still raid supermarkets to hoard toilet paper. Many worry about surviving physically and economically as COVID-19 makes its global rounds. There is much talk of another Great Depression, and…

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Lady Liberty's Lament
Posted in Cultural Invasion Feminazis Myths

Lady Liberty Asks: What is Wrong with America?

Millions of Americans are asking, “What happened to our country?” It is supposed to be the land of the free, so why is half the population supporting Socialism, anarchy, and chaos? Just one lifetime ago, the average US citizen supported Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Now a large percentage…

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Tucker's Liberals
Posted in Cultural Invasion Myths Racism

Blacks, Gays, Hippies, Tucker Carlson, and Fake News

Commentators like Tucker Carlson and his guests often tout the view that Liberals have abandoned ideals they once championed regarding racism and equality. It does appear that today’s Democrats have forsaken such principles, but in fact, they had no such morals to ditch. Tucker gives them way too much credit,…

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who cause the worst bush and forest fires
Posted in Climate Change Lies About Trump Myths

How Lefties Cause the Worst Wildfires

The Left cause many terrible bush and forest wildfires in the US and Australia. Democrats, Labor Parties, Environmentalists, Fake News, college propaganda, Golden Globe Greenies, and Hollywood socialists all play a role. For decades the Left has sabotaged citizen and State efforts to minimize fire by maintaining controlled bush and…

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Wheel of Extinction
Posted in Biology Fake News Myths

Extinction is Not a Dirty Word

Just as you cannot roll a heavy wooden wheel across the mud without leaving a track, so life cannot evolve without extinction. It is something even biologists need to learn. When I say learn, they already know enough to work it out but have snubbed the subject like jilted prom…

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Coping with Lefties 2020
Posted in Myths

How to Cope with Lefty Liars in 2020

Fake News paints a picture of conservatives all being religious, church-going, anti-abortion gun enthusiasts, but this is a fallacy. Like many Fox talking heads, media conservatives who do belong to such groups do little to dispel this myth. They go along with it happily, as though other kinds of conservatives…

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Jason Momoa
Posted in Biology Cultural Invasion Limo Libs Myths

Jason Momoa – An Anti-Plastic Snowflake

If you search online for the term ‘single-use plastic epidemic’ and scroll down, you will see many hysterical headlines and articles. Sound-bites like “We’re drowning in plastic” and “Plastic pollution” fill the internet. “Plastic is literally everywhere,” many Lefties holler, while others screech, “The plastic pollution epidemic is staggering!” One…

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Phake Pharaohs
Posted in Fake News Myths

Fake News Covers Up Pyramid Slavery

Fake News did not only brainwash the public with their altered version of politics and philosophy, but they also lied about history. One of their favorites was Ancient Egypt, with its pharaohs and pyramids, which they always portrayed most cheerfully. Although this paved the way for some tourism, even it…

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Adam Schiff Cartoon
Posted in Cultural Invasion Lies About Trump Myths

Calling All Trumps to Bag the Schiff

If you throw enough Schiff, some of it will stick, Democrats hope, but bug-eyed Adam Schiff dribbles off Teflon-coated Trump, like water off a duck’s back. A puddle forms on the ground at Trump’s feet, which the POTUS gingerly steps over, while tweeting. As desperate Democrats demonize Trump with thin…

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Grim Reaper Welfare
Posted in Free Market Myths

Replace the Wealthy With Welfare, and Die

Did you ever notice that no kids live with Californian Sidewalk Gremlins or that tax paid by workers is really paid by their employers? Consider how little of their money billionaires enjoy and how much the public uses. Have you observed how governments never penalize themselves when ‘creating’ jobs but…

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Fake History
Posted in Cultural Invasion Limo Libs Myths

Two Centuries of Fake News

Since Donald Trump was elected, Americans learned that nearly all the political news they see is lying propaganda and disinformation designed to support the far-left socialist Democrat Party. Many think this is a new state of play, sparked by Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), but in fact, it is a centuries-old…

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Feminists failed biology and evolution
Posted in Biology Feminazis Myths

The Honest Differences Between Men and Women

Last Monday Elizabeth Warren stood up at an NYC rally and proclaimed, “We’re not here because of men at all!” She was wearing glasses invented, designed, and made by men, and clothes manufactured by machines envisioned and built by the same. Her hair was cut using equipment devised and fabricated…

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Greta Thunberg
Posted in Climate Change Cultural Invasion Myths

Swedish Greenies use Children to Lecture America

Fake News promotes teenage Swede Greta Thunberg as a magical goddess of innocence, a nubile Gaia Earth deity, straight from the supernatural spirit world, here to guide mortals in how to “save” their planet. The moon-faced adolescent is just another ill-informed vegan brat, brainwashed by hippy parents. Her mom and…

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Bernie Sanders
Posted in Limo Libs Myths

Democrats’ Night of the Living Dead

Socialism died in 1991, with the expiry of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, but American Lefties believed it was only resting, like Monty Python’s dead parrot. As with the pet shop owner, they made multiple excuses, pretending that socialism was still breathing, while in fact, it was, to quote…

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Anthony Scaramucci - The Mooch
Posted in Fake News Lies About Trump Myths

Why Do Mooches Happen?

When Anthony Scaramucci talks, he sounds like a mafioso, which is not surprising since he was born into an Italian/American family in New York, and his father, Alexander, was a construction worker. What would such a man want for his son? To follow in his footsteps? No, Alexander would prefer…

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Fake News liar theme
Posted in Lies About Trump Myths Racism

Embarrassed Trump-Hating Left Change “Liar” to “Racist” in Desperation

When Donald Trump launched his 2016 presidential campaign on June 2015, Fake News and the Democrats began attacking him from all sides, accusing him of anything and everything they could dream up. No old wives’ tale was rejected. Any twisted misinformation would do. The DNC and their propaganda department –…

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Feminist brain
Posted in Feminazis Myths

College Feminazis Outlaw Romance

For decades teachers have brainwashed girls into believing males are inherently bossy misogynists. They are schooled to reject much of what men say, classify it as ‘mansplaining,’ and place little value in it. Teachers point to one despotic oaf as proof that ALL men are arrogant blockheads. They have whole…

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Abortion Inquisition
Posted in Biology Myths

The Abortion Inquisition

If I were a young man or woman today, I would find it difficult to know what to believe regarding abortion. Nobody could blame me for being confused since so many different arguments are being thrown around from the Right, the Left, religious folk, atheists, intellects, patriots, deadbeats, and everyone…

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Adolf, Joe and Karl
Posted in Climate Change Limo Libs Myths

Prince Charles, Karl Marx, and Donald Trump

Is there any doubt that Charles, Prince of Wales, is an embarrassment to his parents, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II? Instead of marrying well to create a suitable future queen of the United Kingdom, he picked Lady Diana Spencer. Was she not an unmitigated…

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Robert Mueller
Posted in Fake News Lies About Trump Myths

Jail For Robert Mueller?

President Donald Trump described Robert Mueller as a totally conflicted ‘Never Trumper’ who was angry after being refused a job as FBI Director. That would be a prime motive for Mueller to seek revenge and after being appointed ‘Special Prosecutor’ by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, he began an oft-described…

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