Gustavo Petro Mr Anti-Capitalism
Posted in Climate Change Free Market Limo Libs

Anti-Capitalist Petro; Gorging on Capitalism

Former terrorist Gustavo Petro, now President of Columbia, appeared at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, yesterday to insist that humans must “overcome capitalism.” Gustavo, 63, an extreme far-left communist and climate alarmist, was, in his younger years, a senior member of the Marxist M19 terrorist guerrilla group that…

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Henry George by Wallace Shawn
Posted in Free Market Limo Libs Myths

A Poverty of Intelligence Spanning 137 Years

When we sell a property, we reveal its worth at settlement through the principle of supply and demand, which determines the property’s value based on a buyer’s willingness to pay. However, Henry George, one of America’s earliest socialists, wanted the State to calculate property value and then govern what percentage of that…

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Logic kills fear of COVID-19
Posted in Biology Free Market Myths

Why Coronavirus Will Not Cause a Depression

We hear plenty of advice about Corona virus from media and governments, and despite their best efforts, panic reigns supreme. Millions still raid supermarkets to hoard toilet paper. Many worry about surviving physically and economically as COVID-19 makes its global rounds. There is much talk of another Great Depression, and…

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Santa Trump
Posted in Free Market

Merry Christmas from President Donald Trump

Who would make an excellent Santa Claus? As I look through history’s pages, I see many great men, but it would be difficult to find a more perfect Santa than Donald Trump. To be honest, Donald and his family have been more than Santas – they are saviors in the…

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How to spread Crime
Posted in Free Market

How to Reform Prisons Correctly

Throughout history, jails and prisons have been terrible places, which mostly kept bad guys locked away from the rest of us. There was little in the way of reform, and most were happy about that and still are. Who could blame them today, with so many soft judges letting criminals…

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Grim Reaper Welfare
Posted in Free Market Myths

Replace the Wealthy With Welfare, and Die

Did you ever notice that no kids live with Californian Sidewalk Gremlins or that tax paid by workers is really paid by their employers? Consider how little of their money billionaires enjoy and how much the public uses. Have you observed how governments never penalize themselves when ‘creating’ jobs but…

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Usury is not a dirty word
Posted in Fake News Free Market Myths Racism War

Capping Interest Grows Poverty, Crime, & Murder

  Many people insist that charging interest on loans is not only immoral but downright evil. To understand why they are wrong, you must unravel lies stretching back millennia. Lefty Liars have been around for eons, creating Fake News and myths. A percentage of recorded history is fake because they…

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Homeless in San Francisco
Posted in Free Market Leftist DNA Myths

Welfare Spawns Tramps, Ruins Marriage & Fuels Suicide

Just as sure as refined sugar makes you fat, welfare destroys families, and both of these hit our society in a big way in the mid-twentieth century. Look at photos of people in 1920, and you will see skinny, independent, and happily married folk. Welfare did not hit the scene…

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Tucker Carlson
Posted in Free Market Myths

Tucker’s Irrational Fear of Robots

Tucker Carlson does a great job fighting the Left, but he does have an Achilles heel. According to Wikipedia, he preferred Theodore Roosevelt’s interfering, Statist, big-taxing approach rather than laissez-faire capitalism. Apparently, Carlson believes Roosevelt’s interventionist policies may have prevented a communist revolution. In fact, World War I and Herbert Hoover neutralized such…

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Trump's Wall
Posted in Biology Free Market

Legalizing Drugs Will Lower Crime & Help Border Wall

Illegal drugs are bad, but the crime created by outlawing them is worse.

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