Ted Kaczynski - The Unabomber
Posted in Fake News Leftist DNA Myths

An Answer to Unabomber Ted Kaczynski’s Manifesto

In June 1996, Ted Kaczynski (AKA “The Unabomber”) blackmailed The New York Times and The Washington Post into publishing his 35,000-word manifesto. The socialist anarchist told the two Far Left newspapers that if they did not publish his manifesto, he would murder more people with mailed bombs. Democrats under socialist…

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Woke ChatGPT sides with groupthink and Leftist politics
Posted in Fake News Limo Libs

Woke ChatGPT Sides with Groupthink and Leftist Politics

Had ChatGPT been around in 1633 and you asked it, “What position is the Earth in relation to the sun?” it would probably reply, “The Earth is at the center of the universe, with the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars revolving around it.”   It would echo what scientists and the…

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First Amendment Auditors
Posted in Fake News First Amendment Auditors

Privatized, Male-Only Cops, and 1st Amendment Auditors

Hollywood and the media sometimes spotlight corrupt cops, but in most cases, they depict them as caring, sensitive warriors of justice. Any bad cops we see are always cast as exceptions to the rule. They are usually ugly, stupid, and greedy, to go with the cliche. Everyone was raised with…

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Making a looter - black mothers and schools
Posted in Fake News Racism War

Who will Rahim Montel Ballard Burn First?

The Left ran out of heroes, which is why they promote thugs. Their triple-dumbed-down schools produce dangerous dimwits by the legion. Consequently, when MUDSHIP (Media, Unions, Democrats, Schools, Hollywood, Internet, & Publishers) looked for a black martyr of good character to generate the 2020 riots around, they found none. The…

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Bess Levin, Queen of Fake News
Posted in Fake News Feminazis Limo Libs

Bess Levin – Vanity Fair’s Best Guess

Impish Bess Levin is up to her shenanigans again, lying about Donald Trump and Matt Gaetz. I wrote about Levin in 2018 after randomly plucking a nothingburger off the web to show how Fake News mischievously changes information. Levin, whose head was stuffed with college propaganda, seemed like an innocent-enough…

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General Tojo's Revenge
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Feminazis Racism

Why Lefties Knifed Dr. Seuss – Part II

Continuing my commentary from Part I, let us recount; when feather-brained Katie Ishizuka and her younger sidekick, balding Ramon Stephens, used any obtuse excuse to reduce Dr. Seuss, they did so for three reasons; to besmirch fair Melania Trump, gain credibility from academic apparatchiks, and redirect Dr. Seuss readers to…

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Cat in the hat versus Fake News
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Feminazis Racism

Why Lefties Knifed Dr. Seuss – Part I

Liberals loved Dr. Seuss’s children’s books because the cartoonist and author, Theodor Suess Geisel, was one of them. He drew some cartoons in his youth, back in the early part of the 20th century, that became politically incorrect decades later. Still, the Left cared nothing about that until Melania Trump…

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Why is this caveman cartoon racist
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Myths Racism

Democrats Believe Black Skin is a Handicap

Far-left Media, Unions, Democrats, Schools, Hollywood, Internet, & Publishers (MUDSHIP) believe that having black or brown skin is a handicap — the darker the skin, the bigger the handicap. The evidence for this is overwhelming, but let us start with something simple; cartoons. A great myth has evolved that cartoons…

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First Amendment Audit cartoon
Posted in Fake News First Amendment Auditors

First Amendment Auditors Have Replaced Reporters

There was a time when newspaper and TV reporters took risks to chase crooks, corrupt politicians, and con artists. As socialists infiltrated news organizations, those days gradually came to an end. Today, about ninety-five percent of the so-called American ‘news media’ write or broadcast political propaganda for the Democrats. Joined…

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Sandy Cortez stuck on wind power
Posted in Climate Change Fake News Feminazis Myths

Sandy Cortez’s Monoliths to Stupidity

Like so many college simpletons, Sandy Cortez is married to the man-made Global Warming myth and its lead-balloon offspring; wind and solar power. The predictable fiasco in Texas this last week, when millions of Texans lost power thanks to wind turbines icing up, will not change Sandy’s mind. She has…

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The N-word
Posted in Fake News Myths Racism

The Negrophobic N-word

My mailman knew a couple of N-words who always used the N-word. Their family used the N-word constantly but would become very violent when a white person used it. One of the N-words went to prison after almost killing a white guy over that very issue. He now shares a…

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Butt-hurt Democrats
Posted in Fake News The Swamp War

Butt-hurt Democrats

On the last day of the Trump administration, Tucker Carlson pointed out that since Democrats won everything they wanted, surely they should be celebrating. Instead, they are angry and vengeful. Tucker said: If you [have] made hating Donald Trump the very center of your life, this has got to be…

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Wheel of Extinction
Posted in Biology Fake News Myths

Extinction is Not a Dirty Word

Just as you cannot roll a heavy wooden wheel across the mud without leaving a track, so life cannot evolve without extinction. It is something even biologists need to learn. When I say learn, they already know enough to work it out but have snubbed the subject like jilted prom…

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Phake Pharaohs
Posted in Fake News Myths

Fake News Covers Up Pyramid Slavery

Fake News did not only brainwash the public with their altered version of politics and philosophy, but they also lied about history. One of their favorites was Ancient Egypt, with its pharaohs and pyramids, which they always portrayed most cheerfully. Although this paved the way for some tourism, even it…

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Anthony Scaramucci - The Mooch
Posted in Fake News Lies About Trump Myths

Why Do Mooches Happen?

When Anthony Scaramucci talks, he sounds like a mafioso, which is not surprising since he was born into an Italian/American family in New York, and his father, Alexander, was a construction worker. What would such a man want for his son? To follow in his footsteps? No, Alexander would prefer…

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Chris Cillizza
Posted in Fake News Lies About Trump Limo Libs

The totally obvious reason why Chris Cillizza should start a Pizza Shop

CNN’s Editor-at-large is still at large and wanted by small-minded but ambitious people everywhere, who want to know how to become an editor like him. Thrice before I have pointed out Cillizza’s failings, but it seems to have only spurred him on to behave even more irrationally. His latest effort…

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Stephen Colbert
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Lies About Trump Limo Libs War

Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert – the Fourth Reich?

Conservatives find certain characters naturally repulsive, and these include, but are not limited to, creeping Jesuses like Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, John Oliver, and Rachel Maddow. The average celebrity Lefty is pretty awful, but the above-mentioned have a penchant for sneering that curls wallpaper and makes beer go…

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Robert Mueller
Posted in Fake News Lies About Trump Myths

Jail For Robert Mueller?

President Donald Trump described Robert Mueller as a totally conflicted ‘Never Trumper’ who was angry after being refused a job as FBI Director. That would be a prime motive for Mueller to seek revenge and after being appointed ‘Special Prosecutor’ by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, he began an oft-described…

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Usury is not a dirty word
Posted in Fake News Free Market Myths Racism War

Capping Interest Grows Poverty, Crime, & Murder

  Many people insist that charging interest on loans is not only immoral but downright evil. To understand why they are wrong, you must unravel lies stretching back millennia. Lefty Liars have been around for eons, creating Fake News and myths. A percentage of recorded history is fake because they…

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King Cuck
Posted in Fake News Limo Libs

Facebook – an Aberration in the History of Business

Down through the ages, most entrepreneurs and tycoons were naturally conservative. Any man who worked hard enough to build a substantial business would learn along the way not to trust Lefties, and that socialists and liberals hold back development, destroy jobs, create welfare, overtax business and legalize theft. A coal-mine…

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Brats vs Old days
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Feminazis

End Child Abuse – Reinstate Discipline

Child discipline is essential to the proper functioning of not only families but tribes, societies, and nations. Therefore, it is no surprise it was one of the Fifth Column targets mentioned in my April 14 piece. To eat away an enemy nation from within, destroying families and dissolving the moral fiber…

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The Fifth Column
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News War

How the Fifth Column Almost Killed Western Democracy

Various 20th-century wars taught Communists that nation theft was very difficult while Western democracies were around to intercede. It was like trying to steal gold from Fort Knox. Even if you won, it would cost a fortune, making it unprofitable. The surest way to achieve world domination was through infiltration, not…

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All The President's Nothingburgers
Posted in Fake News Myths

Russian Collusion: The Movie

Now that the Russian Collusion Hoax is at an end, the Russian Collusion Movie will keep it going. When Lefties make nothingburgers they do not throw them away, even when proven wrong. Watergate is a great example. Loyal President Nixon bent some little rules in his quest to catch traitors…

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Socialists Hate Jews
Posted in Fake News Leftist DNA Myths Racism The Swamp

Why the Left is Antisemitic

Magicians use sexy assistants dressed in glittering bikinis to take your eye off the ball, which they palm: palming means concealing or hiding, or sleight of hand. Sleight means deceitful craftiness. When cardsharps or illusionists use deceitful craftiness in palming cards, coins, balls, handkerchiefs, and the like, you are not supposed…

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Obama blackface
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Myths Racism

Blackface Improved Black Lives

Blackface was initially used to improve the lives of blacks. Al Jolson was promoting blacks when he applied makeup and sang in their place. He wanted to show life from their point of view, and as a result, many white people were educated on the conditions blacks suffered. While most…

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David Smith's dummy bomb is real
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Lies About Trump

More British Socialists Writing News for Americans

Americans are reading anti-Trump propaganda written by socialist graduates of the University of Leeds, West Yorkshire, Northern England. David Smith is an English journalist, based in Washington, who writes for The Guardian. He graduated from the University of Leeds, like CNN hipster, Jack Guy. From 2010 to 2015 Smith was…

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Big Foot, Big Bird, Michelle Obama
Posted in Fake News Feminazis Racism

Republicans Have Melania. Democrats Have Big Bird

Fake News lied about President Trump on Christmas day, saying he did not visit US troops in a combat zone during Christmastime, when in fact, he was in Iraq visiting the soldiers with the First Lady, Melania. After NBC and their copycat minions lied about this, a storm of criticism…

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Chis Christie's world
Posted in Fake News Lies About Trump Myths The Swamp

Ronald Reagan DID Want a Fence. Fake News Lied Again.

Democrats worked hard all through 2018 to besmirch President Trump, and they continue breathlessly to the very end. Each day brings another flurry of accusations and poutrage. Eight days ago, Donald Trump tweeted that even President Reagan had tried for years to build a border wall or fence, and could…

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Posted in Fake News Lies About Trump Myths

Saturday Night Dead

Who would have predicted that Saturday Night Live would end the year with another sneering attack on President Trump? This time they sprayed Leftist graffiti and TDS all over Frank Capra’s classic Christmas movie ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’  Jimmy Stewart, who starred in the 1946 Christmas fantasy, would probably turn…

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Ann Telnaes
Posted in Fake News Feminazis Lies About Trump

Fake News is Killing the Rule of Law

Some political reporters pretend they are judges, juries, and executioners but are partisan hacks, unqualified, and unsuitable to judge any political person from either the Right or the Left.  Take a look at yesterday’s Washington Post article by John Wagner, whose headline reads, “Trump denies directing Michael Cohen to break…

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