Author: Rob Larrikin
Saturday Night Dead
Who would have predicted that Saturday Night Live would end the year with another sneering attack on President Trump? This time they sprayed Leftist graffiti and TDS all over Frank Capra’s classic Christmas movie ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’ Jimmy Stewart, who starred in the 1946 Christmas fantasy, would probably turn…
American Newspapers Printing Asian Racist’s Lies
As the once great American culture is stamped out by anti-white immigrants, you would think that white newspaper editors would hold onto what is left of their heritage. Apparently, that is too much to expect. Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity do their best to keep the madness in check, but…
Fake News is Killing the Rule of Law
Some political reporters pretend they are judges, juries, and executioners but are partisan hacks, unqualified, and unsuitable to judge any political person from either the Right or the Left. Take a look at yesterday’s Washington Post article by John Wagner, whose headline reads, “Trump denies directing Michael Cohen to break…
No Bathroom Walls for Nancy and Chuck
When Nancy Pelosi spoke with Donald Trump, she came across like the senile old Auntie nobody listens to. They are commonly found in large family gatherings, sipping wine, showing their flabby, faded tattoos and mumbling about their days as a Rolling Stones groupie. She wagged her finger at President Trump…
Pinocchio’s Pinocchio Awards
Some Fake News outlets use so-called Fact Checkers, and their job is to award Pinocchios. Ever since Trump began campaigning in 2015, they have been doing this, and have accumulated thousands of pretend Trump Pinocchios in that time. The problem for them is that readers are bored. When presented with…
The Left’s Freudian Slip Regarding Vietnam
When President Trump tweeted about Connecticut Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal’s lie regarding his service in Vietnam, he opened up a door to the Left’s Freudian Guilt Locker. Although Richard (Dick) Blumenthal served in the Marine Corps Reserve during the Vietnam War, by no means did he leave the United States,…
CNN Cillizza, Dementia and Rex Tillerson
Donald Trump’s former Texan secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, was a scout. His father was a scout too. In fact, his father, Bobby Joe Tillerson, was an executive of the Boy Scouts of America, so I guess it was a given that Rex, who was named after Rex Allen, a…
The Iraq War was Obligatory, Necessary and Correct
The Left worked hard to create myths about the Iraq War, and I will undo those on this page. If somebody tells you President George W. Bush was wrong to send troops to Iraq or talks about WMD (weapons of mass destruction) not being in Iraq, please refer them here….
CNBC Producer’s Goofy Video on Walls
Decades ago, the Fifth Column turned schools and colleges into Dumbing Down Centers, so now young to middle-aged liberals no longer care about quality news. Nor do they mind who presents it or how experienced the reporters are. News Networks hire dim-bulbs and child-like adults to write news copy for…
Gloomberg Re-heats Stale Nothingburgers
The Left’s assembly line lie factory does not just manufacture an endless supply of nothingburgers. It continues to serve them up time and again, promoting them 365 days a year. By rehashing the same old lies, they gradually treat the nothingburger as fact and hope nobody notices. A few days…
Springsteen, Chris Cillizza, and the Witch Doctor
Chris Cillizza is not as annoying as most CNN commentators, but he made major mistakes in his analysis yesterday. Cillizza talked about Bruce Springsteen’s view that Trump will win again in 2020 because the Democrats have not come up with a candidate to beat him. Cillizza quoted Springsteen, a 69-year-old…
Robert Mueller, The NY Times and Hitler’s Big Lie
When you consider what Democrats are doing with Robert Mueller and Fake News, it is easy to believe they have been guided by National Socialists Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, who spoke of a Big Lie. The expression was coined by Hitler in his book Mein Kampf, about using a…
Europe Taking Over United States News
There is not much biographical information about Kim Hjelmgaard online, except that he is based in Berlin or England, and writes for USA Today. He has traveled to Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, and many other places in Europe. He took this photo of prisoners in Russia: Making some…
France – the Socialist Propaganda Factory
In our world, there are two main types of liberty. One that originated in Britain and spread to the United States, and one that was put together in France, and spread throughout Europe and the world. The former led to great things including the Industrial Revolution and the United States’…
How Fake News Mischievously Changes Information
Each day we see dozens of Fake News stories concerning Trump, and many are copies of each other. As each newspaper creates a lie, others copy it before several assembly lines converge into one. Nothingburgers roll off the end to be sorted, packed, and loaded into trucks for distribution. By…
Assassination by Celebrity
We have all heard about ‘Suicide by cop.’ Very soon we may have another term; ‘Assassination by Celebrity.’ I think some anti-Trump celebs are deliberately fanning flames of hatred amongst their followers, knowing that the crazies among them may be ignited into murderous action. Accusing them of this may stir…
The Left Launch All Out War Against Trump
After their sorry defeat at the Midterms, the left was expected to take a long look at itself in the mirror and do some soul searching, sack a few of its leaders, and adopt a new position, realizing its nothingburger approach failed. Instead, it decided to do the opposite and…
Jim Carrey – the Left’s Embarrassing Non-Artist
Formal education, training, and practice are essential for those serious about drawing and painting. Without these, a would-be artist remains rooted in a development plane like ninth grade. That observation is impartial, not subjective – like saying taxis will not arrive unless called. Things happen for a reason, and drawing…
Salon Use Fake Soldiers to Attack Commander In Chief
A familiar pack of cowardly jackals bombarded President Trump, with all the usual lies, underhand dealing, and skulduggery. As I picked one out of the horde to take apart and research, I came across a 46-year-old newspaper article that would perform my task for me. It was written by *Col….
Fake News Misreport Trump’s Savvy Saudi Decision
When President Trump made the wise choice to preserve America’s relationship with its ally Saudi Arabia, Democrats and their Fake News cohorts predictably went on the attack. They portrayed Trump as ‘standing by’ crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman rather than by Saudi Arabia itself. They falsely implied…
NY Times Editorial Board in a Schitt about Trump
Over the weekend President Trump posted a tweet that referred to Californian Democrat Adam Schiff as “little Adam Schitt.” The nickname had Fake News rising up on their haunches to blow raspberries at Trump in defense of Schiff. Whenever I see Schiff being interviewed by Tucker Carlson I fast forward…
Why Bill Maher May Have Hated Stan Lee
By now most people have heard about Bill Maher’s attack on Stan Lee after the comic book writer’s demise, and have seen the response it fueled among Mr. Lee’s fans and millions of people around the world who appreciated Lee’s work. Why Bill Maher may have hated Stan Lee is…
We DO Buy Box of Cereal with Voter ID. Trump Correct.
Once again The Washington Post is up to its old trick of misquoting President Donald Trump. Once again hundreds of Fake News sycophants copy them and reprint the misquote. This time it is about paying for a box of cereal! You will see that once again it comes down to…
Trump Did Not Lie About Golf – it was Doctor’s Advice
The nothingburger Fake News built about President Trump’s golf began with all the usual suspects; CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and dozens of others. Smaller Fake News outlets copied them, and then it was taken up by internet crazies. This included bloggers, discussion boards, and conspiracy nuts….
Fake Chooks and Bawling Billionaires
By the time entrepreneurs develop a business and see it grow, the left-winged ideas they dreamt of in their youth have usually fizzled away. Time and experience teach them the futility of government programs designed to “help” the poor and less fortunate. They discover that the best way forward is…
Racist Latin American Mob Invades U.S. for Welfare
Latin America, made up of Mexico, Central and South America, is trying to pull the United States down into a sea of Socialism and crime, like a drowning man clutching at straws. It has the United States by its gizzards and is yanking hard. Migration is nothing like it was….
John Oliver Keeps $Millions Under The Bed!
John Oliver sounds like a cockney East London scam artist, and his double-talk tricky reasoning is similar too. It would not surprise me if he comes from a long line of such chiselers, working London streets since the days of Charles Dickens’s Artful Dodger, the boy who taught Oliver…
Why is Katy Perry Such a Political Dunce?
Singer Katy Perry annoys us regularly by criticizing her President as though she is some kind of political sage, when in fact she is as daft as a brush, politically. Celebrity meatheads like her and Jim Carrey are an embarrassment to their fans and should stick with their day…
Enemy of the People Bully Trump over Whitaker
Today Fake News continued bullying president Trump over his new acting attorney general, Matt Whitaker. They are frantic about the issue because Whitaker can take out Mueller without hurting the POTUS. He will be bullied and hassled to recuse himself from Mueller’s witch-hunt. We can see from this thuggish behavior how…
Rush Limbaugh Was Too Nice On Democrats This Time
On Wednesday President Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions, which was perfectly constitutional. Lefty liars were out in force yammering about it being unconstitutional, piling up Fake News. Lefties then made a faux pas by listing reasons the new Attorney General should recuse himself from the Mueller investigation since it…