Author: Rob Larrikin
Tucker’s Libertarian Muskets vs. Venezuela
Tucker Carlson is one of my favorite commentators, but sometimes his libertarianism trips him up, and he begins to sound like a plain old anti-war liberal. Like most libertarians, he thinks that modern America should stick with 19th Century isolationist ideologies. In 1801 Thomas Jefferson said that one of…
CNN’s Fake Hysterics Over Trump’s Tax Returns
Kate Bolduan of CNN was up to her usual tricks on Wednesday, spraying Fake News and Trump Derangement Syndrome at the TV cameras. She attacked Trump on several issues, and then said the following: Transcript: This is a President who hides his tax returns, doesn’t release them at least, Whitehouse…
End Child Abuse – Reinstate Discipline
Child discipline is essential to the proper functioning of not only families but tribes, societies, and nations. Therefore, it is no surprise it was one of the Fifth Column targets mentioned in my April 14 piece. To eat away an enemy nation from within, destroying families and dissolving the moral fiber…
How the Fifth Column Almost Killed Western Democracy
Various 20th-century wars taught Communists that nation theft was very difficult while Western democracies were around to intercede. It was like trying to steal gold from Fort Knox. Even if you won, it would cost a fortune, making it unprofitable. The surest way to achieve world domination was through infiltration, not…
Maxine’s Brownshirts Carry Out Orders
Rebecca Parker Mankey is one of the latest examples of a feral Trump-hating feminazi in action. A middle-aged punk, sporting a Mohican hairstyle, Mankey attacked Victor F., a 74-year-old Jewish customer, because he wore a MAGA hat. The ambush happened in a Starbucks coffeehouse at 361 California Ave, Palo Alto,…
Russian Collusion: The Movie
Now that the Russian Collusion Hoax is at an end, the Russian Collusion Movie will keep it going. When Lefties make nothingburgers they do not throw them away, even when proven wrong. Watergate is a great example. Loyal President Nixon bent some little rules in his quest to catch traitors…
Russianburger Exposed, Fake News Change the Subject
Since the ‘Russianburger’ was uncovered as a fraud by Mueller himself, embarrassed Fake News are trying to change the subject. Following some hysteric comments about Mueller letting them down, they went back to their default Trump Bashing routine. Take Newsweek, for example, which accused Trump of being a golf cheat…
Reparations Were Already Paid
Democrats and other socialists are now demanding reparations for blacks because of slavery, but those reparations were paid 153 years ago, in the form of the American Civil War. About 330,000 white Union soldiers died during that war, either killed in action or from wounds and disease. They gave their lives…
Why the Left is Antisemitic
Magicians use sexy assistants dressed in glittering bikinis to take your eye off the ball, which they palm: palming means concealing or hiding, or sleight of hand. Sleight means deceitful craftiness. When cardsharps or illusionists use deceitful craftiness in palming cards, coins, balls, handkerchiefs, and the like, you are not supposed…
Welfare Spawns Tramps, Ruins Marriage & Fuels Suicide
Just as sure as refined sugar makes you fat, welfare destroys families, and both of these hit our society in a big way in the mid-twentieth century. Look at photos of people in 1920, and you will see skinny, independent, and happily married folk. Welfare did not hit the scene…
Alfred Sharpton Wants More Blacks in the West Wing
Last Saturday Al Sharpton complained that Trump had no blacks in his West Wing. During his stint on MSNBC Sharpton blasted Trump advisor Katrina Pierson about this and moaned about wanting reparations for slavery. He is a pathetic TV commentator and a woeful representative of blacks, who must be embarrassed…
Tucker’s Irrational Fear of Robots
Tucker Carlson does a great job fighting the Left, but he does have an Achilles heel. According to Wikipedia, he preferred Theodore Roosevelt’s interfering, Statist, big-taxing approach rather than laissez-faire capitalism. Apparently, Carlson believes Roosevelt’s interventionist policies may have prevented a communist revolution. In fact, World War I and Herbert Hoover neutralized such…
“Going Green” is a Lie and a Myth
The term going green is so familiar now that nobody seems to remember it was merely another lie generated by the Left. They created so many myths that some of them stuck. Thousands of government and business entities commonly use the ‘going green’ term. See a few examples here. When…
Blackface Improved Black Lives
Blackface was initially used to improve the lives of blacks. Al Jolson was promoting blacks when he applied makeup and sang in their place. He wanted to show life from their point of view, and as a result, many white people were educated on the conditions blacks suffered. While most…
Misreporting from CNN’s Cillizza
Although it appears Chris Cillizza has a problem with English, he is an editor-at-large in far-left CNN. Perhaps a better title might be NPC-at-large. Why is he at large anyway? Many would say lock the guy up and throw away the key. The subtleties of our language are difficult for some,…
The POTUS and the Chair
The Chair Pelosi was making fun of POTUS Trump one day for wanting a wall. “Will you ever build it?” she asked with a mocking laugh. “Yes,” replied the POTUS, “and I will build it sooner than you think. I will race you politically to get my wall.” Chair…
Indians Stole America, Not Whites
A hundred and thirty-six years ago, the word racialism meant ‘a political system advocating superiority and exclusive rights based on race.’ That word evolved into racism or racist, which today means ‘a belief that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.’ Lefties now use those words to…
Whining Weiners, Fake News and The New York Times
While most Fake News outlets are busy churning out nothingburgers about Trump’s take-out for footballers, or grounding Pelosi, or telling Cohen to lie, some create dopey diatribe from the sideline, knowing that many want something different. Anti-Trump reporters are tasked with building myths out of nothing, which is not a…
Businessmen Trump Tramps
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez not only looks like The Tramp; she thinks like him too. Charlie Chaplin was a fatherless English communist, born in 1889, raised in poverty, and though he hated America, he moved there anyway, to make money. A London child-laborer by nine, his syphilitic mother became psychotic and was…
Legalizing Drugs Will Lower Crime & Help Border Wall
Illegal drugs are bad, but the crime created by outlawing them is worse.
Gender Morons, Genital Journalism and Soviet Amerika
There was a time when a journalist who wrote for a major newspaper was selected purely for their writing ability. Now a significant part of the selection process depends on what is in their underpants. Feminist rule-making bureaucrats are obsessed with vaginas and penises. Employers must hire a particular number of…
Autopsy of a Time Magazine Propaganda Poster
Lefties have infected every sanctum of publishing, with even magazine covers succumbing to the contagion. Take the latest Time Magazine cover for instance. What was meant to be a propaganda poster failed dismally, and all it took to mess it up was a girl with a BA and a tattooed…
Shutdown Saves Money Despite Fake News
One thing Socialists like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi cannot imagine is that a partial shutdown of the government could save money, but that is precisely what it does. Liberal Media believe the government is everything; that it creates jobs and wealth. The idea that shutting it down could save money…
More British Socialists Writing News for Americans
Americans are reading anti-Trump propaganda written by socialist graduates of the University of Leeds, West Yorkshire, Northern England. David Smith is an English journalist, based in Washington, who writes for The Guardian. He graduated from the University of Leeds, like CNN hipster, Jack Guy. From 2010 to 2015 Smith was…
The Left, from Microbes to Mafia
Most life is based on the maxim “Kill, take, and multiply,” whether microbes or mafia. Ants are not evil; they are machines, though studying them may send shivers up your spine. They work together as a unit and, in that respect, are similar to red and white blood cells in…
Gaggle of Fembots Build New Lies Over Old Lies
On the last day of the year, Politico decided to build a brand new lie about President Trump, over the grave of one of their old lies. They would end 2018 with a graphic categorizing all of Trump’s tweets during the year on this page. The tweets would be sorted by…
Republicans Have Melania. Democrats Have Big Bird
Fake News lied about President Trump on Christmas day, saying he did not visit US troops in a combat zone during Christmastime, when in fact, he was in Iraq visiting the soldiers with the First Lady, Melania. After NBC and their copycat minions lied about this, a storm of criticism…
Ronald Reagan DID Want a Fence. Fake News Lied Again.
Democrats worked hard all through 2018 to besmirch President Trump, and they continue breathlessly to the very end. Each day brings another flurry of accusations and poutrage. Eight days ago, Donald Trump tweeted that even President Reagan had tried for years to build a border wall or fence, and could…
English Hippies in Guatemala Write CNN News
As a hipster, CNN reporter Jack Guy, based in Guatemala, has the obligatory man bun, ear stud, and scruffy beard. His clothes are indistinguishable from those worn by San Franciscan sidewalk gremlins, and his Facebook photo features him flipping the bird. He earned a B.A. in French and History from…
When CNN Interviewed Punchy Robert De Niro
People say he is similar to Travis Bickle, his character in Martin Scorsese’s 1976 hit, Taxi Driver. Robert De Niro, who President Trump calls ‘Punchy,’ was interviewed by far-left CNN commentator Hala Basha-Gorani two days ago. When she asked the New York actor why he was so outspoken about the…