In June 1996, Ted Kaczynski (AKA “The Unabomber”) blackmailed The New York Times and The Washington Post into publishing his 35,000-word manifesto. The socialist anarchist told the two Far Left newspapers that if they did not publish his manifesto, he would murder more people with mailed bombs. Democrats under socialist Bill Clinton advised the two newspapers to go ahead, and the manifesto can still be seen here over several linked pages.
You may download the entire *manifesto in PDF format here.
*Note – it comes with my intro on page one, linking the reader to this page. Everything else is untouched and unedited.
Twenty-eight and a half years after this manifesto was published, in December 2024, 26-year-old Luigi Mangione is alleged to have shot and killed Brian Thompson, the 50-year-old CEO of the American health insurance company UnitedHealth Group Inc. Luigi Mangione was a big fan of Ted Kaczynski’s manifesto. Ted Kaczynski, who died a year and a half before Thompson’s murder, would have been proud.
Ted the Unabomber
It is a great shame that a crazed hippy like Ted Kaczynski can influence modern college student crackpots even today. I am writing this article to show that his manifesto is a collection of delusions and cliches, not based on reality. His lengthy account of technology and human life is neurotic psychobabble, the ramblings of a crazed virgin anarchist with an ego as big as Charles Manson’s.
Charles Manson, a gruesome murderer, was seven years older than Kaczynski and may have greatly influenced him. Kaczynski would have noticed how much publicity Manson received for his hideous behavior while keeping himself physically separated from the actual murders. Kaczynski distanced himself from his murders and used them to bring about huge amounts of publicity. He wanted society to believe he was a thinker as opposed to a thug, which is why he would never mention his fascination with Manson.
Rather than dealing with every word Kaczynski clacked out with his two-dollar typewriter from his rat’s nest in the sticks, I will deal with his work as a health inspector might deal with a toxic rubbish dump—by taking samples from strategic positions around the site and analyzing them in detail. You will soon see what a worthless wasteland we are dealing with from those samples.
To condense his life into a nutshell, Ted Kaczynski’s parents were Polish, and their parents were Polish immigrants. All of them were laborers, and Ted grew up in a working-class suburb of Chicago. He was very good at math but not much else, and he had terrible social skills. For this reason, nobody liked him; he had no girlfriends and never married. Kaczynski did well in math and became an assistant math professor. In 1969, at 25, he abruptly resigned and went to live with his parents for three years. In 1971, he moved to Montana, where he chose a tiny, secluded shack in the wilderness to reside and make mail bombs. Kaczynski murdered three innocent people and injured 23 others during his 25 years in the shack. Later, I will provide a list of all the technology he used to do this, but I will now answer his manifesto.
Ted Kaczynski begins his giant rant with a popular anti-capitalist lie:
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Humans worldwide enjoyed tremendous health and wealth advances thanks to industry and technology, as a plethora of immediate examples reveal. You, the reader, need only look at the tens of thousands of items, tools, machines, gizmos, and appliances in and around your home to appreciate how much better your life is than your prehistoric ancestors’ lives. They had to scratch in the dirt for roots and hunt wild animals with sharpened sticks to survive. Remove your car, smartphone, wifi, electricity, batteries, air conditioner, heater, refrigerator, washing machine, oven, microwave, TV, lights, and clothes. Go out into the wilderness naked, sans tools or machines, and see how long you last. Yet Ted Kaczynski thinks all this technology is a “disaster” for you. He would remove the wire used by African mechanics along with their screwdrivers, hammers, and shovels. He would ban Indians from having cell phones, buckets, hair dryers, and radios. No more ballpoint pens for Iranians or watches, sneakers, eyeglasses, false teeth, and steel knives for Kuwaitis. No more bicycles for Pakistanis or surgical instruments for Nepalese doctors. Kaczynski would stop Chinese surgeons from using X-rays, CT Scanners, or MRI scanners, and North Koreans would be denied scissors, axes, plastic sheets, or faucets.
So much for Kaczynski’s first sentence. After attacking industry and technology for a few paragraphs, he states:
We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system.
When Kaczynski says “we,” he means “I,” since he was a loner with no friends. While he imagined himself a leader, he was a single, cowardly assassin, alone in a timber shack no bigger than a toilet in the wilderness, far from anyone. The murderer was dirty and smelled bad. The man was a grub, a creepy hermit, and you would hate his company were you unfortunate enough to have to live with him for even a day. His so-called “revolution” would never be more than a few brainless copycat thugs like himself hurting or killing a handful of innocent folk and would have no impact at all on the ever-evolving and improving state of technology.
Kaczynski wrote:
This is not to be a POLITICAL revolution. Its object will be to overthrow not governments but the economic and technological basis of the present society.
That was a lie. Any hoodlum who tries to change society through violence and revolution is engaging in political insurgency. There are good politics and bad politics. Kaczynski stood on the wrong side of politics, along with Marx, Engels, Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Fidel Castro, and Kim Jong Un. Socialists come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors. In Kaczynski’s case, he was a violent anarchist socialist, and though his understanding of politics was immature and demented, he was still a political idealist.
In further paragraphs, Kaczynski describes Leftism and Lefties but has no clue that he is a lefty himself. He says:
If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss.
Of course, the irony escapes him. His attack on industry and technology is an excuse to make a fuss over nothing. He is the very thing he describes.
His ramblings about Leftists in paragraph 28 reveal that he is blissfully ignorant of both them and himself. After attacking industry and technology in the fine tradition of Lefties, he marches on, firm in the belief that he is not a Lefty and not able to define the Left correctly either. Let’s move on to the next relevant thing he says after wading through much uninformed, rambling psychobabble.
From paragraphs 34 to 35, Kaczynski offers up several tired old cliches that reflect his hatred of the rich. These were popular amongst hippies then and are consistent with ant-capitalist socialist and anarchist views. He states
[Men with power] who can have anything [they] want… just by wishing for it… will develop serious psychological problems.
Isn’t it just like a hippy to palm off rich people as all having serious psychological problems? What arrogance! I’ve known many rich people who created their wealth, from multi-millionaires to billionaires, and they were all perfectly normal individuals who worked hard and enjoyed happy lives with their families and friends. Kaczynski, by contrast, knew none. He gained his corny ideas about the rich and powerful from watching TV shows like Columbo, and reading comics. Cartoonists and scriptwriters often cast powerful and wealthy individuals as evil, greedy, troubled souls, and many a priest has preached the same spiel. It is nothing but a popular myth among the working class. Socialists and anarchists enjoy viewing the rich this way, but you will not see any examples given by the Unabomber because he has none.
Holden Caulfield on steroids
Kaczynski goes on to insist that inheritors of great wealth and power become acutely bored, demoralized, clinically depressed, decadent, hedonistic, and demoralized. Once again he provides no examples to back up his claim, because he has no examples. The Unabomber read a few books and watched a few Hollywood movies and TV shows. They guided him to believe that rich people were decadent, depressed, and hedonistic. Although he had never met a billionaire or got to know a millionaire, he was confident in his armchair analysis. His left-winged teachers encouraged this view with left-winged high school literature like “The Catcher in the Rye,” written by Leftist J.D. Salinger. The main character, Holden Caulfield, is disgusted by rich people and capitalism and sounds similar to Ted Kaczynski. Most of his high school book list taught him to look down on society, as greedy, selfish, and materialistic. Essentially, Ted Kaczynski is Holden Caulfield on steroids.
In paragraph 35, Kaczynski writes:
The leisured aristocrat obtains [food, water, and clothing] without effort. Hence his boredom and demoralization.
Where did Kaczynski get the warped idea that wealthy and powerful men don’t put effort into obtaining food, water, and clothes? Ask one when he last remembers being thirsty, and he will provide many examples like this:
“Last month in Paris, I sat through a meeting where politicians droned on endlessly. The air conditioning was on the fritz, no water was provided, and I was sweating like a pig. My throat felt like sandpaper, and my lips were as dry as chalk. When the meeting finally ended, I stumbled into the corridor searching for water and found an ancient “robinet” trickling water at a pathetic dribble. I had no choice but to tilt my head awkwardly under the stream, just as the President himself strolled by—catching me mid-gulp, dripping, and undignified.”
Rich men who inherited their wealth will provide an endless stream of accounts about the many times they had to search for a drink, a meal, or clothes in their many adventures in the private world of business, socializing, or within government bureaucracies, meetings, and events. Here is another:
“We were preparing to board Lord Howe’s yacht when I realized I’d forgotten a coat. Knowing it would be freezing on the water, I dashed out with Rory Gates (son of Bill), who also needed a scarf and hat. On the way, we figured better footwear was a must—the yacht was bound to be slippery with all the ocean spray. But the whole outing turned into a fiasco. Nothing fit, and we returned empty-handed. I spent the afternoon shivering, slipping over as I dodged rogue waves, while Gates’s head turned as red as a lobster.”
The idea that rich people don’t suffer or have needs or difficulties is a myth peddled by inexperienced dullards. Ask any waiter or cleaning lady in a posh hotel what troubles wealthy people endure, and they will provide endless examples. “Wealthy Mrs Smith could not find her meds last night, and was up all night with dizzy spells and nausea.” “Rich Mr. Murphy had his briefcase stolen, and could not access any money. The hotel called the police because he could not prove his identity, and he had to spend an afternoon in jail.” The stories go on and on endlessly.
Throughout his manifesto, Kaczynski goes off on sideways rants, taking the reader on a tour of his madness. Jabbering about personal beliefs, he distracts us from his main attack on industry and technology. I skim through these sections as they are a waste of time. When he returns to the main issue, I continue. In paragraph 48, he makes this absurd statement:
If the use of [noise-making devices: power mowers, radios, motorcycles] is unrestricted, people who want peace and quiet are frustrated by the noise. If their use is restricted, people who use the devices are frustrated by the regulations. But if these machines had never been invented there would have been no conflict and no frustration generated by them.
On the contrary, technology fixes problems that arise as a result of noisy appliances and machines. Where there is a need, businessmen will find a product or service to supply that need. Noisy lawn mowers are ‘fixed’ by designing less noisy mowers. Builders use sound-proof materials in windows, walls, and ceilings to prevent outside noise from entering homes, Headphone and earphone manufacturers develop noise-cancelling technology so you can hardly hear the mower outside your window. In time, thanks to technology, robot battery mowers will mow lawns silently, and houses will be noise-canceling structures, as will cars, helmets, and other enclosures. The robot mowers will silently recharge themselves when finished, and you will barely notice them as they carry out their duties. Kaczynski would rather you have no mowers but tall weeds that harbor vermin, snakes, and insects.
Our arrogant Unabomber continues in paragraph 49:
For primitive societies the natural world (which usually changes only slowly) provided a stable framework and therefore a sense of security.
On the contrary, most primitive tribes were far from “secure.” They lived in a dangerous world with a high mortality rate and short lifespans. Disease and animal attacks were commonplace, as were deaths from floods, droughts, hurricanes, and exposure. When they weren’t being attacked by predators or dying of disease, they were attacked by other tribes, murdered, kidnapped, raped, or enslaved. There was no rule of law, and accidents were commonplace, as were infections, slayings, and soaring infant mortality.
Kaczynski continues:
In the modern world it is human society that dominates nature rather than the other way around, and modern society changes very rapidly owing to technological change. Thus there is no stable framework.
Science, technology, industry, and the rule of law provide a far stabler framework than Kaczynski’s rule of the jungle.
Kaczynski blames changing technology for a breakdown in traditional values, but he ignores the effect of socialism on society. In paragraph 50, he writes:
The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.
The breakdown in traditional values was caused by the infiltration of the West by communists and their agents during and since The Cold War. I explained this in detail here.
Hippies (Baby Boomers) were very easily targeted and brainwashed by socialists during their youth in the sixties and seventies. Boomers swallowed the propaganda hook, line, and sinker, siding with communists during the Vietnam War, falsely criminalizing Nixon, removing discipline from schools and families, and turning their backs on many traditional customs. It had nothing to do with technology and everything to do with the Fifth Column and its Fake News. One of the jobs of Fake News was to convince hippies like Kaczynski that technology was evil. If communists could turn all of society’s values upside down, they could destroy the West and replace it with communism. That was the plan, and Kaczynski danced to their tune like millions of other hippy lemmings.
For multiple paragraphs, Kaczynski delivers hippy cliches like how modern man has had “change imposed on him,” that all he does is obey his master (the employer), and that no real effort is required to do such work.
In reality, people want the changes they enjoy and do far more in their work than obey, and millions of hard-working people make plenty of effort every day. Kaczynski is projecting because he was a lazy worker who obeyed his masters, and his work required little effort. He describes his job and those he worked with, but it does not accurately reflect the rest of the workforce.
After much nonsense about “power,” our Unabomber arrives at paragraph 87, under “The Motives of Scientists,” where he makes several erroneous generalizations:
Is an astronomer, a mathematician or an entomologist curious about the properties of isopropyltrimethylmethane? Of course not. Only a chemist is curious about such a thing,
Chemists are interested in astronomy, math, and entomology. In entomology, for instance, experts in chemistry include Chemical Ecologists, Molecular Entomologists, Insect Physiologists, Toxicologists, Vector Biologists, Synthetic Biologists, and Biotechnologists. Any one of those chemists might be interested in isopropyltrimethylmethane out of plain old human curiosity. Just because a person is a ball player doesn’t mean he can’t be interested in the oboe. Yet Kaczynski insists this can’t happen! His generalizations reveal a narrow understanding of human behavior. He goes on to say that curiosity is not what drives scientists, and again, this is a ridiculous statement to make. Ask scientists what they are curious about regarding their work, and they will talk all day and night, describing their interests in great detail. I see it online, in discussion boards, and on X, but according to the Unabomber, none are curious!
Kaczynski claims that scientists do not pursue their science for the good of humanity either. The truth is that some do and some don’t, but the result of their work is often good for humanity regardless. The Unabomber makes these hair-brained claims because he is leading up to his main point – that scientists are greedy capitalists, only interested in power and money. Once he finally makes that claim, he sums it up in paragraph 92, saying:
Thus science marches on blindly, without regard to the real welfare of the human race or to any other standard, obedient only to the psychological needs of the scientists and of the government officials and corporation executives who provide the funds for research.
Thanks to the work of scientists and a host of others, we have a multitude of excellent medicines and medical equipment that are constantly being updated and improved, saving, lengthening, and improving millions of lives. We enjoy ever-improving safer cars, trains, planes, elevators, escalators, television, smartphones, sound systems, refrigerators, ovens, eyeglasses, computers, websites, AI, robots, wifi, insulation, windows, doors, locks, burglar alarms, motion detectors, drones, lighting systems, security systems, and so on, times ten million. Compared to the world just a century ago, we live in heaven, thanks to science, technology, and capitalism.
Bizarre paragraph 96 reveals Kaczynski’s laziness and murderous intent. To sum it up, he says that the only way he could have his manifesto published was by killing people, which is a lie. He whines that material put up by the media would swamp anything he uploaded to the internet, yet the reverse is true. While private blogs and websites have grown massively, traditional news media is shrinking. Kaczynski could have started a blog online and worked hard to communicate his ideas, but he was too lazy. Killing people like a pathetic coward by sending bombs in the mail anonymously and then blackmailing newspapers to publish his rambling nonsense seemed like a much better idea.
Starting with paragraph 100, Kaczynski lists five “principles” he insists define human behavior, yet they are just more ramblings from a man with emotional problems. Instead of defining human behavior as a whole, including human accomplishments, he describes the behavior at its lowest level, as though humans are no better than dogs. He then writes:
The foregoing principles help to show how hopelessly difficult it would be to reform the industrial system…
Like most anarchistic socialists, the Unabomber forgot the biggest reason or ‘principle’ of why one cannot halt the evolution of industry and technology: People, including socialists, love it. I explained this here. Quote:
“And there is the anti-capitalist’s quandary: they cannot resist the fabulous products of capitalism. All commies gorge on capitalism, seemingly unaware of their hypocrisy. What is more, if they try to survive without capitalist products, they are doomed. Most would last about six weeks before starving to death.”
Human beings love all the tens of thousands of machines, gadgets, tools, devices, appliances, instruments, gizmos, contraptions, devices, mechanisms, implements, and apparatuses that make their lives safer, longer, happier, more secure, more comfortable, more knowledgeable, wiser, smarter, and sexier. They love all the fun, adventure, and luxury such technology provides and want industries that provide such exalted technology to continue innovating and producing. Mean-spirited, cold-blooded grinches of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) discovered this after 70 years of torturing their populations. As the reformed socialist singer Frank Zappa said, “Communism doesn’t work because people like to own stuff.”
Zappa was only a year and five months older than Kaczynski. They were both hippies, but unlike Kaczynski, Zappa figured out why socialism failed, while the Unabomber not only misunderstood socialism; he couldn’t see that he was a socialist himself.
In paragraph 111, Kaczynski wrote:
[The industrial system] progressively narrow[s] our sphere of freedom.
Only for criminals and tyrants. As technology continues to develop, freedom grows and expands. A great example is how common people worldwide use cell phones and the internet to expose corruption in government. Many a tyrant has been exposed and arrested, deposed, or overturned thanks to this technology. Cameras on every street, shop, and many homes make it almost impossible for criminals to commit crimes without being recorded and tracked. It allows common people to walk down the street without being molested, kidnapped, raped, and murdered. Who would oppose this? Criminals, of course, and the Unabomber was not just any criminal; he was a murderer. Ask a million criminals and murderers what they think of the technology that makes it hard for them to do their evil work, and they will almost unanimously oppose it. It is no surprise that murderers hate such technology.
Kaczynski tried hard to persuade us that people don’t become scientists because they are curious or to help humanity, and in paragraph 115, we see why. He writes:
The system HAS TO force people to behave in ways that are increasingly remote from the natural pattern of human behavior. For example, the system needs scientists, mathematicians and engineers. It can’t function without them. So heavy pressure is put on children to excel in these fields. It isn’t natural for an adolescent human being to spend the bulk of his time sitting at a desk absorbed in study. A normal adolescent wants to spend his time in active contact with the real world. Among primitive peoples the things that children are trained to do tend to be in reasonable harmony with natural human impulses. Among the American Indians, for example, boys were trained in active outdoor pursuits just the sort of thing that boys like. But in our society children are pushed into studying technical subjects, which most do grudgingly.
As usual, Kaczynski makes dopey generalizations and exaggerates to support cranky anti-science views.
1) Children are not forced to study math and science. Most choose to do so. Others might be pushed, but can change their minds any time, and often do.
2) There is nothing “unnatural” about having a child sit and learn something. Tribesmen and women have been teaching children to sit and learn skills for two hundred thousand years, including:
- Flinthapping to make tools, knives, spearheads, etc
- Making bone fishing hooks
- Crafting bows and arrows
- Making fire
- Weaving grasses or reeds to make baskets, mats, or simple clothing.
- Shaping wood into tools, utensils, and handles for weapons
- Tanning hides
- Grinding grain or nuts
- Knot and cordage-making
- Painting and engraving
3) Whether students are ‘grudging’ in having to study math in school depends on many factors. A lot depends on the State, area, suburb, and school. Within the school, which grade? Which math teacher? Which class? Within that class, which position? Down the back in the back left corner? Kaczynski went to Evergreen Park Community High School, a working-class school in metropolitan Chicago. While Kaczynski did very well in math, it would be no surprise that the kids he sat with weren’t interested in the subject. Kaczynski assumed that because they didn’t like math much, ALL students in ALL schools across America were the same. He would know how wrong that assessment was had he experienced a high school outside metropolitan Chicago, especially in better-quality high schools.
In paragraph 119, the Unabomber tells us:
The system provides people with food because the system couldn’t function if everyone starved…”
Ted’s fictitious “system” does not provide people with food. Millions of consumers buy their food with their hard-earned wages or earnings. A minority is supplied food through welfare, paid for by taxpayers, and taxes are paid through hard-earned wages and earnings. If people had no money and could not buy food, the farmers and suppliers would stop sending it, and there would be no food. To see that scenario, visit a Communist State – they often have famines that kill millions. In capitalist nations, people buy food, and nearly everyone has a full stomach.
Kaczynski adds:
No one stops to ask whether it is inhumane to force adolescents to spend the bulk of their time studying subjects most of them hate.
A) Adults have been sitting down with children to teach them hundreds of essential lessons for millennia.
B) Such lessons are often a matter of life and death since the children’s future survival is at stake.
C) Whether learning how to put poison on arrow tips, make fire, or produce sharp spearheads, children would use that knowledge to protect and feed themselves, their siblings, their future offspring, and their aging parents.
D) If a child didn’t want to learn, a parent would clip them across the ear, pull their ear, and kick their backsides, making them sit and learn since it was a matter of life and death.
E) Unless modern parents want their kids to grow up to become homeless bums and drug addicts, they also need to push their children to sit and learn things that will enable them to earn money in the future.
He continues:
Imagine the case of two neighbors, each of whom at the outset owns the same amount of land, but one of whom is more powerful than the other. The powerful one demands a piece of the other’s land. The weak one refuses. The powerful one says, “OK, let’s compromise. Give me half of what I asked.” The weak one has little choice but to give in.
“Little choice but to give in?” Really? In the Unabomber’s world, there is no Rule of Law. If Bill Gates demanded some of your land you would have to give in and let him have it. In reality, we do have the Rule of Law, and you would call the police. “This man is demanding I give him my land,” you would explain. The cops would tell Mr. Gates that he had no right to demand such land and that if he continued, he might be charged with causing a public nuisance. You would also inform the local press and upload your story to Social Media. Pretty soon Bill Gates would have a very embarrassing ordeal having to explain his actions, and would no doubt back away and apologize.
Kaczynski goes on:
Some time later the powerful neighbor demands another piece of land, again there is a compromise, and so forth. By forcing a long series of compromises on the weaker man, the powerful one eventually gets all of his land. So it goes in the conflict between technology and freedom.
The truth is that advancing technology is the very reason you do not have to put up with bullies and thieves. You record Bill Gates threatening you on several ring cams and your cell phone and publish it online to X, TikTok, and YouTube. It goes viral, and soon, the whole world sees Gates as an unconscionable bully and takes him to task for it. Once again, poor Gates apologizes and hides in his basement. Technology to the rescue! The Unabomber wrote this poppycock around 1994, long before Ring cameras, long before we would record with smartphones and upload to the web. He had no idea how developing technology would cancel out his fearful stories.
In paragraph 127, Kaczynski attacks our use of cars, rambling on about how we are forced to use them and how they prevent us from being able to walk around freely, etc. Kaczynski never uses the word ‘elect’ in his manifesto because he doesn’t care about what people want. If people were polled nationally about whether they wanted to keep their cars, 99% of car owners (almost everyone) would say yes. People want cars and consider them one of their most important possessions. Thanks to motorized vehicles, millions of lives are saved and improved yearly, so it’s no wonder we want them. While that upset Ted the Grinch, his hatred of cars never affected people’s views.
In paragraph 128, our frantic Unabomber says:
Few people will resist the introduction of a genetic technique that eliminates a hereditary disease. It does no apparent harm and prevents much suffering. Yet a large number of genetic improvements taken together will make the human being into an engineered product rather than a free creation of chance (or of God, or whatever, depending on your religious beliefs).
Here Kaczynski makes a mistake common to the anti-genetic-engineering herd. He forgets that nature, Natural Selection, farmers, and ordinary people have been engineering genetics since humans first walked on two legs:
- Natural Selection and nature are self-explanatory, as superior genes and mutations eventually take over.
- Farmers select the best plants and animals to cross-breed.
- People lock murderers away, thus preventing them from breeding.
- Women select good-looking, healthy, hard workers for marriage instead of ugly, lazy loafers.
Thus we have been genetically engineering for millennia with great results. Kaczynski likely had a good brain for math because his Polish parents and grandparents had similar traits, even though they didn’t study math. Having traits like these gives humans an advantage over others, allowing them to survive better. If Ted didn’t turn into a nutcase, his talent for math could have made him very rich and successful. Instead, he chose to spend the last 27 years of his life in prison – a place that is the epitome of technology.
In paragraph 135, we see where the Unabomber believes killing is the answer, which is why he turns to it so readily:
In paragraph 125 we used an analogy of a weak neighbor who is left destitute by a strong neighbor who takes all his land by forcing on him a series of compromises. But suppose now that the strong neighbor gets sick, so that he is unable to defend himself. The weak neighbor can force the strong one to give him his land back, or he can kill him. If he lets the strong man survive and only forces him to give the land back, he is a fool, because when the strong man gets well he will again take all the land for himself. The only sensible alternative for the weaker man is to kill the strong one while he has the chance. In the same way, while the industrial system is sick we must destroy it. If we compromise with it and let it recover from its sickness, it will eventually wipe out all of our freedom.
Here, Ted Kaczynski has reverted to a tribal caveman who lives in the “kill or be killed” world our ancient ancestors endured for so long. Yes, when they had the opportunity to kill their oppressors, they would, and Ted would gleefully start killing if you gave him the chance. Today, though, we have something called The Rule of Law – a term Kaczynski never mentions in his manifesto. We don’t kill our sick neighbors to prevent them from stealing our property. If we have a problem with thugs and thieves, we call the police and have them arrested. Kaczynski loved math but cared little for the law. Like most hippies, he thought all lawyers were greedy opportunists. Kaczynski insists we destroy the industrial system, which he says is impossible elsewhere (paragraph 156). He was right; it is impossible, so why is he contradicting himself? The poor man had no idea what he was talking about. He needed psychological help, drugs, and to be housed in a Secure Psychiatric Facility for life.
Like all typical Leftist socialists, Kaczynski makes it clear in paragraphs 137 to 139 that he is an environmentalist. That was in 1996, and we all know what nonsense environmentalists put us all through in the decades that followed with their Fake News and ‘Man Made Global Warming’ myths. It helped them damage capitalism, but people woke up to the lies. Donald Trump saw straight through the Marxist Green agenda and educated millions about the reasons behind it. It is no surprise that a mentally unstable, murderous anarchist like Kaczynski would be a Greenie.
From paragraph 140, Kaczynski encourages the formation of a revolution to end technology, something he admits later is impossible (paragraph 156). He was correct – nobody wants to be without their cars, smartphones, wifi, lights, locks, windows, trucks, TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators, heaters, electricity, washing machines, earphones, driers, ships, trains, buses, bikes, elevators, ovens, microwaves, escalators, ambulances, hospitals, or fire brigades, to name just a few of the millions of things technology provides. Yet, now he is saying we should revolt to end such things.
Kaczynski starts to come out of his shell in paragraph 166, saying (emphasis mine):
Therefore two tasks confront those who hate the servitude to which the industrial system is reducing the human race. First, we must work to heighten the social stresses within the system so as to increase the likelihood that it will break down or be weakened sufficiently so that a revolution against it becomes possible. Second, it is necessary to develop and propagate an ideology that opposes technology and the industrial society if and when the system becomes sufficiently weakened. And such an ideology will help to assure that, if and when industrial society breaks down, its remnants will be smashed beyond repair, so that the system cannot be reconstituted. The factories should be destroyed, technical books burned, etc.
Sabotage and violence are in a socialist’s DNA. The idea is to vandalize, weaken, destroy, and censor, just like the Nazis – the National Socialists under Adolf Hitler. Undermine, weaken, destroy and censor. Burning books – how transparently fascist Ted was.
In paragraph 167, Kaczynski writes:
The world’s population has become so overblown that it cannot even feed itself any longer without advanced technology.
The world’s population does not want to feed itself without technology. It is a choice people make every day. “Should I dig the field with a stick, and hope to plant my crops in time, or should I buy a cultivator and do it quickly?” Farmers prefer technologies that help them get their work done quickly and efficiently. If they were forced to dig with sticks, they could do that too, but who would want that? Perhaps Ted would prefer a stick, but any sensible farmer would prefer a tractor.
In paragraph 168, Kaczynski writes:
We all have to die some time, and it may be better to die fighting for survival, or for a cause, than to live a long but empty and purposeless life.
Yes, so the murderer comes right out and says it. Translation: “Maybe we’ll lose but hell, let’s die anyway, because at least we’ll die doing something to appease me, a Holden Caulfield wannabe, a whiny, good-for-nothing hippy, with a giant chip on his shoulder about machines.”
Over the next several paragraphs, Ted delivers the usual fair of scary, cliched arguments about artificial intelligence taking over human civilization and conquering us, and this is nothing new. He raises the same points all opponents of computers and robots bring up, and much smarter individuals have already neutralized all those points. Humans are always very careful when it comes to dangerous technology. We do not allow that technology to overcome us, and we won’t be changing that approach with AI. Also, Kaczynski forgets that the technology we add to our brains will allow us to remain in charge. Once again, the technology he complains about will allow us to win.
In paragraph 183, our Unabomber reveals his mad plan: that we all revert to wild nature:
The positive ideal that we propose is Nature. That is, WILD nature: those aspects of the functioning of the Earth and its living things that are independent of human management and free of human interference and control.
Kaczynski wants us to have a revolution and destroy technology and all books connected to technology. He wants us to return to the wild, where we can dig for tubers with our fingernails and learn how to live as naked cavemen again. We can deal with justice using the law of the jungle – kill or be killed. If you want something, take it, just as Kaczynski took the lives of innocent people to force newspapers to publish his mad ideas.
From 1969 to 1971, Kaczynski lived with his parents in Downers Grove, Illinois, after abandoning his academic career. Environmental awareness and hippy “back to nature” movements were springing up at that time. Three movies aired on television during those years that Kaczynski may have watched and been influenced by:
“Born Free” (1966) was about living closely with nature and wild animals.
“The Sundowners” (1960) was about a nomadic family living off the land in Australia and might have aired on TV during this period.
“Mutiny on the Bounty” (1962) was about a crew of sailors who mutinied against their captain, choosing to live on a wild island with the natives, enjoying free sex and what they considered a utopian existence free of all duties.
Since he was still a virgin, shunned by women, Kaczynski would have been very impressed with how easy it was for smelly, unshaven sailors to obtain as many girls as they wanted on the island wilderness. This would have resonated with the Unabomber, giving him a vision of himself living the good life in his ideal wilderness.
In paragraph 184, Kaczynski says:
Whatever kind of society may exist after the demise of the industrial system, it is certain that most people will live close to nature, because in the absence of advanced technology there is no other way that people CAN live. To feed themselves they must be peasants or herdsmen or fishermen or hunters, etc.
Peasants, herdsmen, fishermen, and hunters. Hear that, folks? Are you ready to go back ten thousand years and do away with everything you enjoy today? No more comfortable shoes. No more dental procedures, modern medicines, pharmaceutical creams, pills, or drugs. You will have to deal with disease and infections as our ancestors did, which is mostly to suffer and try not to complain too much. You will have to hobble everywhere, and when you can’t walk, you can lie on the dirt, but at least you will be living without technology, which will make a virgin murderer happy. Yay!
In his last paragraphs, Kaczynski rants about Leftism and Leftists but reveals an extraordinary amount of ignorance about what Leftism is. He does not appear to realize that he is a Leftist himself, or if he does, denies it, and that is something common to socialists. Lefties often say they are not Lefties, and Kaczynski is no exception. I have explained where the Left and Right in politics came from here.
The Left
In politics, the noun ‘Left’ dates from the 1790s when the socialist representatives sat to the presiding officer’s left in the French revolutionary parliament. You will often hear those who insist ‘left and right’ mean nothing, but they do not know their history.
Socialism is the standard leftist ideology in most countries of the world; communism is a more radical leftist ideology. The Left infiltrates most groups, including education, the media, Hollywood, and other political organizations like Libertarians and even the Republican Party. By contrast, conservatives invite people to look at their policies and join up rather than using the ‘infiltrate’ method.
Here are some photos showing the exterior and interior of the Unabomber’s shack, followed by a list of items seen inside it.
Below are listed some items inside the Unabomber’s shack, followed by those not in view that he used to make bombs. Remember, this is the guy who supposedly hates technology:
- Tools – including a bow saw
- Matches or lighters
- Manual tools – a saw and knife
- Rope or cord
- Wood-burning stove
- Stovepipe chimney
- Tarp
- Backpack
- Sleeping bag
- Blanket
- Cot or bed
- Pieces of wood or planks
- Wood planks or boards
- Buckets and jugs
- Metal pots and pans
- Cooking pan
- Cooking oil bottle
- Flour bag – labeled “all purpose flour”
- Sugar bags – labeled “sugar”
- Bag of Quick Oats
- Small tins and jars
- Small cardboard boxes containing supplies and tools
- Glass jars
- Small glass jar or bottle
- Metal containers
- Plastic containers
- Plastic containers with labels
- Brown paper packaging
- Cardboard box
- Paper or cardboard boxes
- Box of Tide detergent
- Tin can wrapped in tape
- Red container – toolbox or storage container
- 3 calumet baking powder containers
- Green spool of wire
- Spool of string or thread
- Matches or lighters
- Hanging pouch or bag
- Homemade shelf supports
- Shelves filled with jars and containers
- Loose scrap paper
- Notepad
- Photos and clippings
- Plastic bags
- Large plastic bags
- Items wrapped in newspaper
- Rolled packaging tape
- Rectangular items wrapped in tape
- Medicine bottle – for storing pills
- Cross-country skis and poles
- Mirror
- Paint cans
- Spray paint cans
- Portable radio or speaker system
- Books and magazines
- Bicycle wheel
- Coats and jackets
- Curtain or cloth divider
Also, some of the items hidden from view, necessary for bomb-making:
- Pipes (metal pipes for pipe bombs)
- End caps or plugs (to seal pipes)
- Nails, screws, or metal fragments (for shrapnel)
- Wires
- Batteries
- Light bulbs or flashbulbs (used as ignition sources)
- Matches or match heads (for igniters)
- Gunpowder or explosives
- Chemicals such as potassium chlorate, ammonium nitrate, or sulfur
- Glue or epoxy
- Wooden or metal enclosures
- Insulating tape or electrical tape
- Tools (e.g., a drill, saw, or pliers for assembly)
- Switches or timers (for detonation mechanisms)
- Springs or other mechanical components (for triggering mechanisms)
- Paper or cardboard (for disguising or packaging devices)
Ted Kaczynski’s manifesto is a fool’s rantings. Yes, he was great at math, but outside of that, he was a village idiot. Kaczynski hated technology yet depended on it in every way to do what he did, from killing people with wired-up bombs delivered through the post office to typing his manuscript and blackmailing newspapers into publishing it. It made Kaczynski a giant hypocrite. If he hated technology so much, he would not have owned a typewriter, tools, glasses, shoes, knives, plastic explosives, wires, batteries, paper, ink, and tens of thousands of other gadgets, tools, and pieces of technology. It’s okay for him to have used all that technology, but the rest of us were supposed to return to the Neolithic times to scratch in the dirt for food.
Ted Kaczynski was cremated in June, 2023. and his remains were given to his brother. Cremation uses a high-temperature retort chamber fueled primarily by natural gas or propane. This chamber incinerates the body and container, reaching temperatures between 1400°F and 2000°F. The process is carefully monitored for temperature and airflow, with secondary burners and filtration systems minimizing emissions. After cooling, the bone fragments are pulverized into a fine powder using a cremulator and then collected for return to the family in a metal urn.
There was Kaczynski, gorging on technology ’till the very end.
From his birth to the day he died, cowardly Kaczynski depended on and enjoyed technology. He murdered three people and injured 23 others but never had the guts to face any of them, choosing instead to send them mail bombs, using the very technology he said he despised.