Why is this caveman cartoon racist
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Myths Racism

Democrats Believe Black Skin is a Handicap

Far-left Media, Unions, Democrats, Schools, Hollywood, Internet, & Publishers (MUDSHIP) believe that having black or brown skin is a handicap — the darker the skin, the bigger the handicap. The evidence for this is overwhelming, but let us start with something simple; cartoons. A great myth has evolved that cartoons…

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First Amendment Audit cartoon
Posted in Fake News First Amendment Auditors

First Amendment Auditors Have Replaced Reporters

There was a time when newspaper and TV reporters took risks to chase crooks, corrupt politicians, and con artists. As socialists infiltrated news organizations, those days gradually came to an end. Today, about ninety-five percent of the so-called American ‘news media’ write or broadcast political propaganda for the Democrats. Joined…

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