Month: January 2021
Something is Missing from the News
Who wants to see Joe Biden’s dried-up, mummified grimace? Nobody. Who wants to hear runty Kamala Harris laughing hysterically, or watch feeble Pelosi’s masked highwayman skull? Nobody. Donald Trump is missing. News is dead. Talking heads must come up with something to yap about each day, but it’s all quite…
Women Are Now Equal To Men
Feminists have been telling us that women are equal to men for more than a century and that they can do anything men can do and do better. “Men are inferior,” they insisted. “Women are superior! Women don’t create war! Women don’t murder! Only men mistreat children!” Feminists and…
Butt-hurt Democrats
On the last day of the Trump administration, Tucker Carlson pointed out that since Democrats won everything they wanted, surely they should be celebrating. Instead, they are angry and vengeful. Tucker said: If you [have] made hating Donald Trump the very center of your life, this has got to be…
America – This IS what you Are
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave an excellent address on Voice of America yesterday. He spoke of censorship, wokeness, political correctness, and how they all lead to “authoritarianism cloaked as moral righteousness.” After he pointed out this was happening with Twitter, Facebook, Apple, and too many university campuses, Pompeo said, “It’s not who…
Racist Raphael Warnock – Ugly Inside and Out
Raphael Gamaliel Warnock needed three things to succeed: a nice suit, a B.A. in psychology, and great acting ability. The Democrat preacher is not only bone ugly; he is repellent spiritually, politically, ethically, and economically. It explains why, as his ex-wife likes to say, Warnock is a great actor. He…