Month: May 2019
Jail For Robert Mueller?
President Donald Trump described Robert Mueller as a totally conflicted ‘Never Trumper’ who was angry after being refused a job as FBI Director. That would be a prime motive for Mueller to seek revenge and after being appointed ‘Special Prosecutor’ by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, he began an oft-described…
Wild Eyed Lefties Rev Up War of Lies against Trump
The media is still out of control and fuming over the election results from 2016. When Attorney General William Barr made it clear he would pursue all those responsible for the Russian Nothingburger, Fake News was stirred up like a hornets’ nest. Like a scurvy mob of pretend-pirates, it was…
Disintegrating Nancy Pelosi
According to President Donald Trump, seventy-nine-year-old Nancy Pelosi is disintegrating, and as usual, he is right. The woman can barely talk legibly nowadays. Fake News keep this from the public as Pravda did when Soviet leaders began to deteriorate. Sources believe she conceals her wrinkles with facelifts and thick makeup…
Why is CNN’s Erin Burnett So Bad Mannered?
Donald Trump’s mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, was a Scottish Presbyterian, like her parents and grandparents. She married Fred Trump, an American with German Lutheran ancestry. They were both raised with the Protestant work ethic, which they handed on to Donald. His Scottish mother also taught him the importance of good…
Capping Interest Grows Poverty, Crime, & Murder
Many people insist that charging interest on loans is not only immoral but downright evil. To understand why they are wrong, you must unravel lies stretching back millennia. Lefty Liars have been around for eons, creating Fake News and myths. A percentage of recorded history is fake because they…
Washington Post Trolls Break World Stupidity Record
Brian Klaas slanders Donald Trump endlessly on Twitter. He is a London troll – an ugly version of Rupert Grint playing a heroin addict with scurvy and dermatitis. He also writes for The Washington Post, re-hashing lies fabricated by Fake News ad nauseam. Klaas poses like a schoolboy saving…
Facebook – an Aberration in the History of Business
Down through the ages, most entrepreneurs and tycoons were naturally conservative. Any man who worked hard enough to build a substantial business would learn along the way not to trust Lefties, and that socialists and liberals hold back development, destroy jobs, create welfare, overtax business and legalize theft. A coal-mine…
Tucker’s Libertarian Muskets vs. Venezuela
Tucker Carlson is one of my favorite commentators, but sometimes his libertarianism trips him up, and he begins to sound like a plain old anti-war liberal. Like most libertarians, he thinks that modern America should stick with 19th Century isolationist ideologies. In 1801 Thomas Jefferson said that one of…