All The President's Nothingburgers
Posted in Fake News Myths

Russian Collusion: The Movie

Now that the Russian Collusion Hoax is at an end, the Russian Collusion Movie will keep it going. When Lefties make nothingburgers they do not throw them away, even when proven wrong. Watergate is a great example. Loyal President Nixon bent some little rules in his quest to catch traitors…

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Newsweek Fake News
Posted in Lies About Trump

Russianburger Exposed, Fake News Change the Subject

Since the ‘Russianburger’ was uncovered as a fraud by Mueller himself, embarrassed Fake News are trying to change the subject. Following some hysteric comments about Mueller letting them down, they went back to their default Trump Bashing routine. Take Newsweek, for example, which accused Trump of being a golf cheat…

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Reparations were already paid
Posted in Myths Racism

Reparations Were Already Paid

Democrats and other socialists are now demanding reparations for blacks because of slavery, but those reparations were paid 153 years ago, in the form of the American Civil War. About 330,000 white Union soldiers died during that war, either killed in action or from wounds and disease. They gave their lives…

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Socialists Hate Jews
Posted in Fake News Leftist DNA Myths Racism The Swamp

Why the Left is Antisemitic

Magicians use sexy assistants dressed in glittering bikinis to take your eye off the ball, which they palm: palming means concealing or hiding, or sleight of hand. Sleight means deceitful craftiness. When cardsharps or illusionists use deceitful craftiness in palming cards, coins, balls, handkerchiefs, and the like, you are not supposed…

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Homeless in San Francisco
Posted in Free Market Leftist DNA Myths

Welfare Spawns Tramps, Ruins Marriage & Fuels Suicide

Just as sure as refined sugar makes you fat, welfare destroys families, and both of these hit our society in a big way in the mid-twentieth century. Look at photos of people in 1920, and you will see skinny, independent, and happily married folk. Welfare did not hit the scene…

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Chinese Communist Party
Posted in Leftist DNA Racism

Alfred Sharpton Wants More Blacks in the West Wing

Last Saturday Al Sharpton complained that Trump had no blacks in his West Wing. During his stint on MSNBC Sharpton blasted Trump advisor Katrina Pierson about this and moaned about wanting reparations for slavery. He is a pathetic TV commentator and a woeful representative of blacks, who must be embarrassed…

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Tucker Carlson
Posted in Free Market Myths

Tucker’s Irrational Fear of Robots

Tucker Carlson does a great job fighting the Left, but he does have an Achilles heel. According to Wikipedia, he preferred Theodore Roosevelt’s interfering, Statist, big-taxing approach rather than laissez-faire capitalism. Apparently, Carlson believes Roosevelt’s interventionist policies may have prevented a communist revolution. In fact, World War I and Herbert Hoover neutralized such…

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