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Posted in Cartoon Strip LeftyLiars Limo Libs The Swamp

LeftyLiars Cartoon Strip

On August 16, 2024, I began the cartoon strip LeftyLiars, focusing on Kamala Harris leading up to the 2024 United States Presidential Election. I can only publish it on X and here since it would be banned on all other platforms or media. Here are the first 32 strips from August…

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Posted in First Amendment Auditors

First Amendment Auditors Slowly Taming America

  Rights are like muscles. Without exercise, they deteriorate. Americans enjoy The Bill of Rights, but many of those rights are fading. Education is mostly to blame since most teachers are socialists who despise America. Echoing the Chinese Communist Party’s sentiments, they teach kids that the U.S. Founding Fathers were…

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Woke ChatGPT sides with groupthink and Leftist politics
Posted in Fake News Limo Libs Uncategorized

Woke ChatGPT Sides with Groupthink and Leftist Politics

Had ChatGPT been around in 1633 and you asked it, “What position is the Earth in relation to the sun?” it would probably reply, “The Earth is at the center of the universe, with the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars revolving around it.”   It would echo what scientists and the…

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Hey Hey Ho Ho
Posted in Racism The Swamp

Hey Hey Ho Ho – Racist Democrat Chant

You have doubtless heard the Democrats’ favorite chant, “Hey, Hey, Ho Ho,” whenever one of their terrorist groups, from BLM to Antifa, demonstrate and protest. In many far-Left political events, thugs repeatedly chant this while vandalizing, destroying, burning property, and attacking innocent bystanders. Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho! (Person/thing) has to…

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Posted in Cultural Invasion First Amendment Auditors The Swamp

The Unseen Super Union of Public Servants

There was a time when public servants typically worked in separate fields, with minimal interaction outside of their required duties. They treated each person impartially; corruption was rare, and professionalism was the norm. Police would attend each call promptly as they came in, usually without bias. Judges were mostly free…

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Gustavo Petro Mr Anti-Capitalism
Posted in Climate Change Free Market Limo Libs

Anti-Capitalist Petro; Gorging on Capitalism

Former terrorist Gustavo Petro, now President of Columbia, appeared at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, yesterday to insist that humans must “overcome capitalism.” Gustavo, 63, an extreme far-left communist and climate alarmist, was, in his younger years, a senior member of the Marxist M19 terrorist guerrilla group that…

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Henry George by Wallace Shawn
Posted in Free Market Limo Libs Myths

A Poverty of Intelligence Spanning 137 Years

When we sell a property, we reveal its worth at settlement through the principle of supply and demand, which determines the property’s value based on a buyer’s willingness to pay. However, Henry George, one of America’s earliest socialists, wanted the State to calculate property value and then govern what percentage of that…

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First Amendment Auditors
Posted in Fake News First Amendment Auditors

Privatized, Male-Only Cops, and 1st Amendment Auditors

Hollywood and the media sometimes spotlight corrupt cops, but in most cases, they depict them as caring, sensitive warriors of justice. Any bad cops we see are always cast as exceptions to the rule. They are usually ugly, stupid, and greedy, to go with the cliche. Everyone was raised with…

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Monkey Trap – Republicans and their peanuts; guns and abortion
Posted in Cultural Invasion The Swamp War

How to Repair the GOP and Win in 2024

The United States is having an emergency, and when emergencies occur, we suspend normal behavior. Society expects many customs to be halted during disasters, and the disaster began when Democrats stole the election in 2020. To neutralize the danger, Republicans must respond unusually and put the rulebook aside. Democrats will…

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Making a looter - black mothers and schools
Posted in Fake News Racism War

Who will Rahim Montel Ballard Burn First?

The Left ran out of heroes, which is why they promote thugs. Their triple-dumbed-down schools produce dangerous dimwits by the legion. Consequently, when MUDSHIP (Media, Unions, Democrats, Schools, Hollywood, Internet, & Publishers) looked for a black martyr of good character to generate the 2020 riots around, they found none. The…

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Bess Levin, Queen of Fake News
Posted in Fake News Feminazis Limo Libs

Bess Levin – Vanity Fair’s Best Guess

Impish Bess Levin is up to her shenanigans again, lying about Donald Trump and Matt Gaetz. I wrote about Levin in 2018 after randomly plucking a nothingburger off the web to show how Fake News mischievously changes information. Levin, whose head was stuffed with college propaganda, seemed like an innocent-enough…

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General Tojo's Revenge
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Feminazis Racism

Why Lefties Knifed Dr. Seuss – Part II

Continuing my commentary from Part I, let us recount; when feather-brained Katie Ishizuka and her younger sidekick, balding Ramon Stephens, used any obtuse excuse to reduce Dr. Seuss, they did so for three reasons; to besmirch fair Melania Trump, gain credibility from academic apparatchiks, and redirect Dr. Seuss readers to…

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Cat in the hat versus Fake News
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Feminazis Racism

Why Lefties Knifed Dr. Seuss – Part I

Liberals loved Dr. Seuss’s children’s books because the cartoonist and author, Theodor Suess Geisel, was one of them. He drew some cartoons in his youth, back in the early part of the 20th century, that became politically incorrect decades later. Still, the Left cared nothing about that until Melania Trump…

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Why is this caveman cartoon racist
Posted in Cultural Invasion Fake News Myths Racism

Democrats Believe Black Skin is a Handicap

Far-left Media, Unions, Democrats, Schools, Hollywood, Internet, & Publishers (MUDSHIP) believe that having black or brown skin is a handicap — the darker the skin, the bigger the handicap. The evidence for this is overwhelming, but let us start with something simple; cartoons. A great myth has evolved that cartoons…

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First Amendment Audit cartoon
Posted in Fake News First Amendment Auditors

First Amendment Auditors Have Replaced Reporters

There was a time when newspaper and TV reporters took risks to chase crooks, corrupt politicians, and con artists. As socialists infiltrated news organizations, those days gradually came to an end. Today, about ninety-five percent of the so-called American ‘news media’ write or broadcast political propaganda for the Democrats. Joined…

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Dr. Rachel Levine
Posted in Biology Feminazis Leftist DNA

Why Rachel Levine is Still a Man

In February, Joe Biden nominated Rachel Levine to be the Assistant Secretary for Health. Senator Rand Paul recently grilled Rachel Levine for promoting puberty-blocking drugs as beneficial to young children. Levine justified this by saying that some youngsters might not commit suicide during that period of their lives by taking…

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Sandy Cortez stuck on wind power
Posted in Climate Change Fake News Feminazis Myths

Sandy Cortez’s Monoliths to Stupidity

Like so many college simpletons, Sandy Cortez is married to the man-made Global Warming myth and its lead-balloon offspring; wind and solar power. The predictable fiasco in Texas this last week, when millions of Texans lost power thanks to wind turbines icing up, will not change Sandy’s mind. She has…

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The N-word
Posted in Fake News Myths Racism

The Negrophobic N-word

My mailman knew a couple of N-words who always used the N-word. Their family used the N-word constantly but would become very violent when a white person used it. One of the N-words went to prison after almost killing a white guy over that very issue. He now shares a…

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something is missing from the news
Posted in Limo Libs The Swamp

Something is Missing from the News

Who wants to see Joe Biden’s dried-up, mummified grimace? Nobody. Who wants to hear runty Kamala Harris laughing hysterically, or watch feeble Pelosi’s masked highwayman skull? Nobody. Donald Trump is missing. News is dead. Talking heads must come up with something to yap about each day, but it’s all quite…

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Biden's hairs stand up for women
Posted in Biology Feminazis The Swamp

Women Are Now Equal To Men

Feminists have been telling us that women are equal to men for more than a century and that they can do anything men can do and do better. “Men are inferior,” they insisted. “Women are superior! Women don’t create war! Women don’t murder! Only men mistreat children!”   Feminists and…

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Butt-hurt Democrats
Posted in Fake News The Swamp War

Butt-hurt Democrats

On the last day of the Trump administration, Tucker Carlson pointed out that since Democrats won everything they wanted, surely they should be celebrating. Instead, they are angry and vengeful. Tucker said: If you [have] made hating Donald Trump the very center of your life, this has got to be…

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Twitter Vulture
Posted in Cultural Invasion Limo Libs The Swamp War

America – This IS what you Are

One of my favorite people, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, gave an excellent address on Voice of America yesterday. He bravely spoke of censorship, wokeness, political correctness, and how they all lead to “authoritarianism cloaked as moral righteousness.” After he pointed out this was happening with Twitter, Facebook, Apple, and…

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Raphael Warnock cartoon
Posted in Limo Libs Racism The Swamp

Racist Raphael Warnock – Ugly Inside and Out

Raphael Gamaliel Warnock needed three things to succeed: a nice suit, a B.A. in psychology, and great acting ability. The Democrat preacher is not only bone ugly; he is repellent spiritually, politically, ethically, and economically. It explains why, as his ex-wife likes to say, Warnock is a great actor. He…

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Ann Telnaes
Posted in Cultural Invasion Feminazis Lies About Trump

Ratty Ann Telnaes – Washington Post Ratoonist

Socialists generate lies and insults to defame their enemies using a method enshrined by Adolph Hitler’s propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. In 1940 he ordered the propaganda film Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew) to be made. The preposterous flop was a collection of lies and myths made by National Socialists…

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Don and Abe discuss Martial Law
Posted in Cultural Invasion Lies About Trump The Swamp War

2016-2020 Civil War – Why Martial Law is Crucial

I have defended Donald Trump since he first announced his candidacy for President against the Mount Everest-sized tsunami of lies launched at him by Democrats and their allies, the CCP, Fake News, Fake Colleges, and Fake Movies. I predicted his win seven and a half months before election day, 2016,…

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2020 Stolen Election
Posted in The Swamp

Socialist Losers Steal 2020 Election

Conservatives everywhere shake their heads in disbelief at the antics of the Left, which they find bewildering. Meanwhile, Lefties glow with confidence, driven by a fervent ideology planted in their brains by teachers from elementary school to college. With militant fanaticism, they transform today’s children into racist, genderless doomsters who…

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Judge Emmet G. Sullivan
Posted in Limo Libs The Swamp

Beatnik Judge Sullivan Kicks Flynn One Last Time

President Trump recently pardoned former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, the victim of sabotage and witch-hunts by Democrats for the last five years. The pardon meant that a federal judge, Emmet Gael Sullivan, had to end his case against Flynn. Sullivan, a Trump hater, was appointed by Bill Clinton in…

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Humans Mark I
Posted in Biology Leftist DNA Lies About Trump

Humans 1.0, Traffic Lights, & How Lefties Steal Elections

Five groups need to read this article: voters, reporters, public servants, students, and parents. Who knows, it could change your life, either now or sometime in the future. Modern humans are a subspecies of Homo sapiens, called Homo sapiens sapiens, and have not changed genetically for tens of thousands of…

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The Ministry of silly elections
Posted in Lies About Trump The Swamp

US Election Taken Over by Monty Python’s Flying Circus

In what can only be described as a Monty Python sketch, President Trump’s 2020 Presidential Election victory has been shut down by The Colonel and Ministry of Silly Walks for being “too honest, too long, and too silly.” President Donald Trump won the 2020 Presidential Election convincingly, but Democrats and…

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Democrats Dead Man Walking
Posted in Lies About Trump The Swamp War

The Democrat Party is a Dead Man Walking

If a typical politician were POTUS during this United States presidential election, they would have conceded to the Left today because most are slaves to Fake News. In a custom going back decades, politicians are told who wins such elections by the media and are meant to obey. A Mitt…

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